Monday, May 23, 2016

On The Importance Of Being Dumb

A question I’ve got a lot is “why dumb girls, when there’s smart submissive girls out there that will be just as loyal and obedient?”  Here’s why:
If you tell a smart submissive girl to do something, the first thing she’s going to do is think about it, probably talk to you about what you want her to do and why so she understands it, and then she’ll most likely do it.
If you tell a dumb girl to do something, the first thing she will do (if she’s good) is agree to it.  Then once she’s started, she might ask why she has to do it, but no matter what you say it’s happening.  
When a smart girl is submissive, she does it because she chooses to be submissive, and she feels like she can pick and choose exactly how submissive she’s going to be depending on how she feels.  When a dumb girl is obedient, it’s because she knows that she has to be.  Her man is so much smarter than her it would be ridiculous to do anything but agree.  She knows she’s not smart enough to think of a good reason to not listen to him. 
Smart submissive girls will be obedient because they trust you to decide for them, dumb girls will be obedient because they don’t trust themselves to decide for themselves.  They know that their man will think better for them than they ever could, so they let their little brains get out of the way and agree first, listen second. 

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