Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Friday, September 1, 2017


Doctor Margot Schidle didn’t like being the director of the Kadessa Childrens Home, she knew she was little more than a prison warden keeping her charges off the street until they were legal age, at which point she had no doubt that most of them would end up in jail. In theory at least the children, who came from a variety of unpleasant backgrounds, were available to adoption or fostering but nobody wanted to take on teenagers, so they were stuck with her and her with them.
At the moment her problem was a new charge, a sixteen year old boy who had arrived just a month ago and had quickly become their biggest troublemaker. There weren’t any other teenage boys at the home at the moment and that might have contributed to his behaviour, but Dr Schidle didn’t care. She just wanted the least hassle so that she could focus on her book. She had him waiting outside now, softening him up as she went over his file.
Rowan McAlten, father unknown, mother spent half her time in drug rehabilitation, the other half in jail. Rowan had been bounced between various relatives, most of dubious character before ending up a ward of the state. Supposedly he had been moved to Kadessa because it was closer to where his mother was currently drying out, but Margot knew it was just her counterpart from his previous home’s way of getting rid of him. The record from there was brief, obviously to avoid scaring her off. However she didn’t need his old wrongs to dislike him, he had done more than enough in his brief stay to achieve a special place in her black book.
Getting up, she slowly walked over to the heavy wooden door and opening it directed her attention to the slender boy who looked up from the hard seat across the hall. “Come in Rowan,” she said in her most controlled voice before returning to her seat. He walked in looking suitably subdued, but not slouching like most his age. He quickly glanced around for a chair to sit in and realised that she was going to make him stand.
“Now Rowan,” Dr Schidle began, “You haven’t been with us long, yet you’ve already managed to break most of our rules. You were caught stealing from the other children ...”
“I didn’t steal anything,” Rowan blurted out, “I was just looking.”
“Don’t interrupt me!” Margot snapped. “You were caught going through a girl’s drawers, that you didn’t have a chance to take anything doesn’t make you any less guilty. Now, continuing. You have also been absent from your room after curfew ...”
“But you’re making me sleep in the same dorm as the five year olds!”
“If you interrupt me again ...” her voice was icy now and she left the implied threat hanging. After a suitable pause she carried on, “We are very overcrowded and you have done nothing to warrant a private room even if we had one available. You have also been seen to bully some of the other children, especially the girls of your own age.”
Rowan tensed and pursed his lips, desperately wanting to speak out and defend himself, but the glare from the director was enough to silence him.
“And you have been rude to the staff. I will not tolerate this type of behaviour and you must be punished. As corporal punishment is not allowed, and as we don’t have the facilities to enforce some ‘quiet time’ upon you, I have come up with a novel punishment. I believe it will be very instructive and you will gain a new insight from it.”
Margot sat back, and smiled. “You’re going to spend the next week dressed as a girl!”
* * *

Rowan couldn’t believe this was happening to him. He was currently hiding in the toilets to avoid the ridicule of the other kids. And the staff. They had laughed at him just as much and he knew why. Looking at his uneven reflection in the old mirror bolted to the concrete wall over the sinks, he despaired at what he saw. Not only was Dr Schidle making him dress like a girl, she seemed to have gone out of her way to use the oldest and grottiest clothes she could find. A yellow cardigan that was slightly too small and clung to his slender body, emphasising his lack of feminine shape that made the short skirt look even more out of place and the wrinkled pantyhose and mary-janes downright silly. Without a reference to show his size he looked like an eight year old girl.
At that moment the door was flung open and Mz Cravitt, the harshest of the teachers burst in. “I know you’re in here Rowan! Now get to class before ... before ...” And somewhere deep within his metabolism a long dormant ability kicked in. It might have been caused by the drugs his mother had taken when she was pregnant with him, it might just have been a natural talent. Whatever it was, it would soon change his life and that of all those around him.
At first Rowan thought Cravitt was just stunned by his appearance, but it was much more than that, she seemed to be almost comatose with her mouth open and a trickle of saliva dribbling over her lip. Rowan could also feel something moving in his mind, pushing as though it wanted to leap out of him towards the sharp faced woman. Confused, he let go and wished that Cravitt would go away and leave him alone.
Life flashed back in to the teacher’s eyes and her hand went unconsciously to wipe the drool from her chin. Without a word, she turned and left. More confused than ever, Rowan could only watch her go and wonder if in some way he had caused it. But he had more immediate concerns.
Knowing he couldn’t spend the rest of his life hiding in the wash room, he steeled himself for going out by making up excuses in his mind. Maybe he could convince the rest of the kids that since old Dr Schidle was punishing him by making him wear a dress, that he was mocking her. Maybe he could get them to laugh with him rather than at him. His face flushed with embarrassment and a touch of terror, he slipped out into the corridor, hoping against hope that no one would notice him.
And nobody did. Or at least nobody stared at him, or made any rude comments. As he slunk his way back to his dorm room, no-one, staff or student paid any attention to him. It was almost like he was invisible except that people didn’t walk in to him or scream when he opened and closed doors. With growing confidence he was almost at his destination when he saw Lena.
Lena was just a bit younger than him, and although not beautiful (otherwise someone would have adopted her) Rowan considered her to be very pretty. All she really needed was to be was less awkward and gangly, with a bit more bounce in her long hair and perhaps a smaller nose. In fact he had fantasised about an idealised image of her since his first day at Kadessa, and seeing her now those thoughts came back to him. For a moment he thought he was so excited that he was getting a head ache, then he recognised the ‘push’. He let it go.
Almost instantly Lena shortened from her 5′11″ to around 5′9″, at the same time her body filled out as her bust and hips increased by several inches. Hair that had been lank and mousy brown was suddenly a honey blond and fell in waves to her shoulders, and the face, while still recognisable as Lena, could have graced any magazine cover. The only thing that spoiled the image of the beauty before him was the cheap sweat top and green trousers she was wearing.
Rowan didn’t have long to think about that, or how the change had occurred because Lena seemed to suddenly notice him while everyone else nearby continued to ignore him. With a happy chirp she trotted over to him and slipping her arms around his waist, kissed him full on the lips.
“Hi honey,” she gushed after the kiss, “I was just thinking about you, and sex. Do you have time to slip back to my room for a quick fuck?”
Startled as he was by Lena’s transformation, he knew she was completely serious in her request and like any normal teenage boy, he wasn’t going to turn her down. The pair of them fairly ran back to the dorm room she shared with four others and without another thought they feverishly undressed and threw themselves onto the bed.
* * *

Rowan lay there with a contented Lena snuggled up to him. With both of them naked he could see that the changes were real, her breasts were firm and round, her nose perfect and there wasn’t a flaw or blemish anywhere on her. She had become his idealised image of her, and she seemed to be completely head over heels in love with him.
The distant chime of a bell brought him suddenly back to reality. “Lena, that’s the dinner bell,” he said as he tried to sit up. “We have to get dressed and go before role call.”
“Okay lover,” Lena said in a soft and dreamy voice. Without another word she slid away from him and started to pull on her panties. Rowan reached for his own clothes and realised that he was going to have to where panties as well. That didn’t sit well, especially as he felt he had just more than proved his masculinity, Lena certainly seemed to appreciate it. So instead he decided he would risk something.
“Lena, you go on ahead, I’ll meet you there.”
“No prob,” she replied and stopped half way through pulling up her trousers to lean over and give him a quick kiss before he hurried away, naked.
As he had hoped, no one paid any attention to him as he moved through the corridors back to his dorm room. It was only when he got there and started going through his foot locker that he remembered Dr Schidle had confiscated all his clothes to prevent him from wearing them until his punishment was over. Since there were no other boys even vaguely his size, he was either going to have to go to dinner naked or retrieve his own clothes.
Not knowing if his power might suddenly give out, and besides it was pretty chilly in the home, he decided on the latter option and made his way towards the director’s office. On the way he was glad to see that the kids hurrying towards the dining hall continued to ignore him, and then he came upon Mz Cravitt. For a moment he froze, she still terrified him, but as she went on her way oblivious to his presence he calmed down again.
In fact he began to feel a bit sorry for her. She was past middle aged and even in her prime he figured she had been downright plain, and now she was single and stuck looking after kids that nobody wanted. He wondered if he could do something for her, and the sensation began building in his head again. Quickly he shaped some thoughts about her, that she was prettier, that she wanted to go out and get some nice clothes and then spend the night in town enjoying herself. He held his breath and let the package of thoughts go.
The change was as immediate as it had been with Lena. Mz Cravitt straightened, her slight stoop gone and the bitter, dried up look on her face was replaced by a comely smile and sparkling eyes. She looked twenty years younger in a moment and almost skipped as she turned around and headed towards her room to retrieve her purse. Rowan watched her go and felt quite proud of himself, almost forgetting that he was still naked.
Almost, but not quite as a cool draft caught him around the nether regions and made him shiver. With immense confidence now he made his way to the director’s office and let himself in without bothering to knock. Dr Schidle looked up briefly as the door opened and then went back to the report she was typing. Rowan figured that his earlier command for everyone to not notice him was still in effect, but he needed the director to tell him where his clothes were.
He worked carefully this time, forming an image of the woman behind the desk being able to talk but take no other action, and that she would have to tell him whatever he wanted to know. He wasn’t sure how that was going to work as it really wasn’t anything he could visualise and the package did feel a bit weak as he let it go.
Dr Schidle froze in mid key stroke, and she suddenly became aware of Rowan’s presence and remembered that he shouldn’t be there. She tried to say something, but for some strange reason she seemed to be unable to formulate a sentence, it was as though she needed some outside stimulus to get her started. So she ended up staring at the boy with her mouth hanging open.
“Doctor Schidle,” Rowan began carefully until he remembered he was in charge now, “Margot. What have you done with my clothes?”
“They are locked away in the laundry,” she replied without hesitation, or any conscious thought for that matter. His question seemed to have prompted her, and with her experience in psychology that worried her almost as much as her inability to move.
“Thanks.” He was about to leave until it occurred to him that she was getting off far too easy for the humiliation she had tried to inflict upon him. “Margot, since you like ‘dress-up’ so much, why don’t you play. I want you to dress up like a little girl, and to act like one as well until I tell you otherwise.” Even as he issued the instructions he could see the picture develop in his mind, of the director in a flouncy party dress with ribbons in her hair, and the package almost caused him to stagger backwards as it powered out.
* * *

Rowan felt much better sitting down to dinner wearing his own clothes, that Lena was happily snuggled up to him didn’t hurt and he countermanded his earlier instruction that everyone should ignore him. A few of the other girls commented on Lena’s sudden attractiveness, and teased her about falling for the new boy. But for most of the students they were too young to care about such things and just griped about the food like they always did.
In fact life at the home seemed to have settled back into its normal routine, until Dr Schidle’s arrival. Although she was very much not Dr Schidle, even Margot seemed out of place as the normally staid director skipped into the dining hall swirling a calf length skirt over layers of petticoats. She giggled happily, did a quick curtsy to the nearest staff member and went to sit down at a table with the younger girls, anxiously asking if she had missed dessert.
There was a curious mix of sound and silence in the hall, the rhythmic clink of cutlery on plate ceased altogether, as did the whispered conversations between staff members. At the same time the majority of the boys burst into laughter while the younger girls were delighted that the usually stuffy old director had come to play with them. At Rowan’s table Lena remained blissfully impervious, the entirety of her attention still focused on him, Lena’s room mates, however, were stunned.
Looking over his shoulder to where Dr Schidle had seated herself, Rowan had to give her full credit for trying despite the handicaps. From somewhere the director had found an old ballroom dress that was too small for her and clung tightly to her lean frame. She had also tried to bunch her hair into pigtails for the ribbons but it had been far too short, so she had taped the ribbons on instead. Rowan went back to his dinner, enjoying the subdued commotion the director was causing, and that the staff were so scared of her that they didn’t dare do anything about it.
Then dessert arrived and the director created a new commotion. “This is custard!” she squealed like a petulant five year old, “And its lumpy. I want Jelly! I want Jelly!” She began to thump her spoon on the table and the kids quickly joined in until the yells of “I Want Jelly!” accompanied by table drumming was deafening. Some of the staff attempted to restore order with no hope of success, the older, wiser ones retreated.
Rowan allowed himself a moment of amusement, then as the noise began to get on his nerves he decided he would have to make them stop. A better thought occurred to him, why force them to be quiet when he could do so much more. And suddenly the noise abated as everyone thought they had their favourite type of jelly in front of them, rather than the stale custard. The staff were totally bemused by the sudden calm, but happy for the respite.
Rowan let Lena have his dessert, he found he couldn’t convince himself that it was anything but custard. As he sat there listening to the excited chatter about the really nice dessert he found himself thinking about how easy it had been to make everyone happy. It wouldn’t take much, he thought, to actually make the home a nice place to live. Tomorrow he would get the director (after he changed her back of course, or at least made her more presentable) to take him in to town where he was sure he could convince the local businesses to make some decent donations to the home. He could almost see it now, new paint, the broken windows fixed, nice clothes for everyone; it would be better than what most normal kids got.
Thinking of families, he remembered his mother and decided that they would also visit her. He was sure that with Dr Schidle’s approval they would let him see her, and she might even want to come live at Kadessa as well. He liked how this plan was building. But first, he looked across the table to where Lena’s room mates Rachel and Marina were happily digging in to their imaginary jelly ... He was still a horny teenage boy after all.
* * *

Rowan awoke to a number of unfamiliar sensations, he was still a bit tired but strangely invigorated as well, he wasn’t in the bed he had slept in for the last month and something warm and heavy was pressed against him. Looking over he saw a naked, sleeping Lena at his side with a contented smile on her face and it all the previous days events came back to him.
Getting up carefully so as to not wake Lena, he got a better view of the girls’ room. In their own beds were Rachel and Marina, although they were not the girls they had been the previous evening. Rachel now had long black hair that hung to her waist, a 34-22-32 figure and a seductively innocent prettiness to her face. Marina’s changes were even more noticeable, her dusky skin had darkened to a glossy ebony, her breasts were full and round with incredibly sensitive nipples and her previously frizzy hair was now long, curled bangs.
A creaking of bedsprings drew his attention to the other occupants of the room, Josie and Carol. They had returned to the room they shared with the other girls right in the middle of Rowan screwing Marina while Lena and Rachel were chewing on her enlarged nipples. Pressed for time, and more than a little distracted, Rowan had hit them with the first thing he could come up with in the circumstances. Now both girls were almost twins of each other, cute leggy blondes who were passionately in love with each other. They looked so adorable, their naked bodies entwined around each other as they slept off the night’s lovemaking.
Rowan gathered his clothes and headed off for a shower. He didn’t mind walking around naked as it seemed to be getting easier and easier to make people think that there was nothing unusual going on. With the sweat of the night’s exertions washed away, he dressed and set off to find the director so that he could begin his ‘charity drive’ in town.
He found Dr Schidle in her office still wearing her party dress and happily scrawling with crayons on her memo pad. He briefly considered leaving her thinking she was a little girl but he knew he needed her in her professional capacity so he sent her away to change into her most business like clothes and makeup.
Sitting in the passenger seat as Dr Schidle drove the two of them in to the city centre, Rowan marvelled at how elegantly competent she looked. In her dark suit jacket and knee length skirt contrasting with her starched white blouse and thin tie she looked like a corporate executive, and a very sexy one at that. That he had boosted her confidence by erasing her self doubts showed in the firm line of her face. She now believed that being director of the home was a noble calling rather than a dead end job for a washed out psychologist. And that from today the Kadessa Childrens Home was going to be the best, a model for the other orphanages to follow.
Their first stop was the bank where Rowan nudged things along so that Dr Schidle got an immediate appointment with the manager, and that the manager should be amenable to her request for a school credit card and that the bank would sponsor the home as a favoured charity. Rowan was along for all this, but rather than make people ignore him which might have aroused suspicion from anyone viewing the security tapes, he found it just as easy to have people accept his presence as natural.
Next they hit all the major corporations in town where Dr Schidle, with a little help from Rowan, solicited even more donations so that by mid day the Kadessa home had a healthy account balance in its favour for the first time ever. Now it was time for Rowan to have some fun.
They hit the mall, and Rowan loved the way Dr Schidle attracted attention, even some of the grunge crowd showed their appreciation for the sexy business woman as she strode past. Rowan got some decent clothes for himself, at a good discount as yet another business signed on to the Kadessa Home Charity Fund, and then he moved on to his plans for the director.
An exclusive lingerie store was first port of call. Once again no one paid any attention to Rowan as he made himself comfortable in the changing room and had Dr Schidle parade an increasingly exotic array of lingerie for him. A stocking-garterbelt-pushup bra combination was the point at which he could no longer remain a spectator and with the easiest of nudges he had the formerly hostile director straddled across his body, humping herself to a screaming orgasm on his hard cock.
By late afternoon Dr Schidle had a dozen new outfits and twice as much lingerie as she could ever hope to wear. Rowan decided he would have to send the rest of the staff out to get suitable clothes as well, and he would be there to personally supervise for the female staff. But now he wanted to see his mother.
* * *

Getting in to the drug rehabilitation centre proved to be harder than he had expected, even with Dr Schidle’s credentials and his ability to influence the people around them. It seemed that even when the people were willing to go along, the bureaucracy could still slow things down. But eventually he pushed hard enough that they agreed to put off the paper work until later and he got to see his mother.
She was looking rough, more than a little strung out and without makeup she looked so much older than he had expected. Drab, utilitarian clothing and a near featureless room just added to the greyness that seemed to surround her.
“Hi mom,” Rowan started awkwardly, not really sure if she would recognise him.
“Rowan?” the woman who was almost a stranger asked in the quiet husky voice of someone who smoked too much.
“Yes, mom. I’ve come to see you. Something’s happened, something good ... I think.”
She nodded, more to herself than in response to his statement. “So your father’s legacy has outed.”
“You know what’s going on?” Rowan prompted, his mother had never mentioned his father before.
His mother nodded again. “I was young and pretty once, not the drugged up old crone I am now. I was a nurse ... I had just completed my registration ... when I met your father at a local night club. We, that is the other nurses who had qualified with me, were having a night on the town to celebrate. And he just walked up to the three of us and all of us fell in love with him.”
She paused for a moment, the memory was obviously painful to her but holding it back was even more so. “He wasn’t good looking or anything, but just like that we all loved him, needed him. We forgot everything else and took him back to Hannah’s apartment where he used us in every way imaginable. He fucked us, we fucked him, we fucked each other at his bidding. And I got pregnant.”
Rowan mouthed a silent ‘wow!’, and suddenly felt very guilty about what he had been doing.
“Of course it wasn’t real love, he wasn’t even a real person.” Rowan’s mother continued bitterly. “He was a demon.”
Silence hit the room with that revelation, and Rowan’s mother began to speak again before he could formulate any sort of response.
“You don’t believe demons exist? I didn’t either, until then. He played with us! Our emotions, our minds, our bodies. He made Georgie grossly fat, and made her want it. He left Hannah with tits that hung to her waist and the desire to be a cheap hooker. And me, well he was bored by then and just left. And I still want him, lust after him. And ...”
“And you got stoned, and got plastered, and got so screwed up because you hate yourself?” Rowan finally found voice. He had never felt sorrier for his mother, and had never loved her more.
It took time to get his mother released into the care of Dr Schidle, but Rowan was determined to put in the effort now. He wanted his mother free of the drugs and the state run facilities because he knew he could make her better.
* * *

Rowan stood on the balcony of the tower overlooking what he knew was now his home in several senses, it was where he lived, it was where his family was, and it was his creation. Down below builders were refurbishing the old dormitory, dividing it into comfortable twin rooms that could be furnished as the occupants desired. Just beyond was the neighbouring building that they had bought to provide more rooms, and more facilities.
Playing in the courtyard between classes were the younger children, all with new clothes that they had gotten to choose themselves in town, although he had ‘encouraged’ the girls to prefer dresses. He didn’t see the harm in that, and they did genuinely like wearing pretty frocks. Soon the bell would go and classes would start again, but with happy teachers who liked being there. All of them were quite attractive now, and they all had social lives with their better wages and the discount that they got anywhere in town.
Hearing a giggle he turned to face the other direction and saw that Josie and Carol had spread out a towel on the lawn of the roof top garden and were being more than thorough in applying sun tan lotion to each other’s naked bodies as they prepared to do a little sun worship. As he watched the pair soon descended into a heated lesbian fuck.
Feeling the erection growing in his trousers, Rowan decided that he might as well do something about it and descended from the tower to where Lena was awaiting him. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her white heels, stockings, miniskirt and halter top and showed her joy at seeing him by crushing her well developed body against his as she kissed him.
At that moment Dr Schidle walked past and gave the couple a friendly smile. The director looked so smart and yet so sexy in her navy blue suit, beautifully tailored to show off her figure without cheapening the image of professionalism she presented. Rowan of course knew that she would be wearing the sexiest of lingerie underneath, he had given her a real passion for silk and lace.
“I am just on my way to receive the award for best run state institution, are you sure you don’t want to come with me Rowan?”
“No, its okay Dr Schidle,” Rowan replied easily, “You did the work, you deserve the glory.”
“But you are so much a part of .... Oh!” Margot Schidle noticed the bulge in Rowan’s trousers and giggled in a delightfully girlish way as she figured out why Rowan was in such a hurry. “Well, I’ll leave you two to it. I should be back early enough to tuck you in for the night.” The director giggled again and Lena joined in, she did like all the attention she got from Dr Schidle.
Feeling almost desperately aroused now, Lena took Rowan’s hand and as one they headed towards his bed room, passing the new school nurse in her crisp white uniform.
“Hi mum,” Rowan called as the eager Lena led him on.
Nurse McAlten smiled happily back at them as they passed. She liked her new job, it made her feel useful and worthwhile. She had a life again, she got to go out and she was currently dating one of the builders who had caught her eye. That Rowan had edited her memory didn’t bother her, in fact she was glad her son had done it because she knew the memories were terrible and it was better not to know some things.