Saturday, August 19, 2017

SUMMERTIME by Amieebimbo

Sarah didn’t know how it had all started. Maybe just by chance she stumbled upon the site. It had all these pictures of really slutty girls that didn’t seem to have a brain cell among them. At first she didn’t really know why she was looking at them, but then she read the stories. Oh the stories! She was so engrossed by them, reading about normal plain looking girls like her, being made into these wonderful feminine creatures by their husbands or boyfriends.
She shut the page down that night and went to bed. But she just could not get it out of her head. All these ideas swirling around in her head, not just the ones that she had been reading but new ones. They got her excited, really excited. For the first time in what had felt like forever she was feeling wet from the excitement.
Sarah didn’t get any sleep that night, she was just too turned on. She went back to the computer and started writing down all the ideas she had been having. Finding pictures to go with them. It was just so exhilarating!
This carried on most nights, she would stay up later and later making stories and writing her ideas onto her new blog that she started. She was too embarrassed to put her real name there, so she used a pseudonym.
As time went on she thought about how this all turned her on,  she wasn’t sure if it was the fact that these women seemed to have no control over their transformation, or the fact they got so much sex for being that way. She admired all the effort they had gone through to look beautiful. 
After a month or so things started to get weird, she seemed to have more and more people following her blog, she chatted with them here and there, exploring this new found kink of hers. That was fun, she could chat for hours to try and figure out what made her tick.
One afternoon as she was browsing she got a private message. “You should giggle more!” That was all that the anonymous message said.
Sarah couldn’t get that out of her head, she had never really giggled before and now she couldn’t stop giggling at every little thing. It had started out small like whenever her boyfriend told a joke. But it just kept getting more frequent.
From there it all sort of snowballed. She bought some hair dye, and decided to go a couple of shades lighter, that didn’t really go as she had hoped, it made her hair go a weird light ginger colour which was the worst. She figured she wasn’t going to be able to sort it herself so she made an appointment at a salon straight away. She didn’t really want anyone seeing her hair like this!
At the salon the girls looked so pretty, some of them looked as if they could have walked out of one of her stories. They asked her if she wanted to go back to her original colour or go fully blonde, they said it was the best solution to her little disaster. She was too embarrassed to say otherwise so she opted for full blonde. When they were done with her hair it looked fabulous. She didn’t know it could look this good. Thinking back just a few months she never would have imagined doing this at all.
When she got home she was just beaming, her boyfriend was shocked by the dramatic change of colour, but she just giggled and used the standard go to excuse when they dye their hair “I just fancied a change!”
He told her he loved it, and she just sat there smiling and giggling. It was amazing how much the change in hair colour had got her boyfriend all worked up.  The sex they had that night was amazing! They rarely had sex, it wasn’t that Sarah didn’t like it, she just wanted it to be special and romantic every time.  But this, this was different. It was just passion, just so hot and heavy, and Sarah loved it.
That night when her boyfriend was all worn out asleep in bed. She got up, headed over to her laptop and started writing. She wrote her best story yet. It was about a girl slowly bimbofying herself. It started with blonde hair and soon moved on to clothes, shoes and makeup. She got so worked up writing it she ended up playing with herself, she had never done that before, not properly.
After that things seemed to speed up, Sarah started experimenting with makeup while she was alone, trying on and buying lingerie and sexy heels. She even tried peppering her speech with the word like.  She just loved it, Getting into the mind of a bimbo, trying it out. It just made her feel so… Happy,

One afternoon her boyfriend walked in on her in some of her special lingerie and her makeup. He was shocked at how good she looked, they spent so long fucking that day. That is what it was now, fucking, it just seemed so much hotter than before.
Since her boyfriend seemed to love her new look, she started wearing more makeup every day, it started out small but before long it was taking her hours to get ready in the mornings, she just felt the need to look her best now. She had even started to be more daring with her clothing choices. Slowly the dresses and skirts got shorter and shorter, the heels got higher and higher and the tops showed more and more cleavage, not that she had that much anyway.
Finally she realised she just wanted the bimbo life and there was only one thing missing. So she spoke to her boyfriend about it, she told him everything, from the blog to the hair dye disaster. Then she said it, she told him that all she needed to feel complete was a big pair of fake tits. It had taken her ages to think of them like that, but it was what they were. That was what she wanted.
 To her surprise her boyfriend just sat there listening, he was just the best. Then he calmly offered her his full support and even offered to pay for them and start trying to find a surgeon. She was so happy after that, she just couldn’t stop grinning and giggling. It was the best!
A month or so later she was scheduled for surgery, she had decided to go for some lovely DD’s. Her boyfriend seemed just as excited as her, he was at her bedside right up until the doctors came to take her down to surgery. As the anesthetic kicked in she felt him kiss her on the forehead.
Sarah awoke to a weight on her chest that she wasn’t used to, there was lots of pain but soon enough she was sent home. Her boyfriend waited on her hand and foot while she was out of action.
The night before she was  to have her bandages removed, she was just so giddy. As was now the norm she had stayed up late blogging and writing stories, she was too excited to sleep.  When toe doctor took the bandages off she was so pleased, her new tits were better than she could have dreamed of! This was by far the best day of her life.
 She sat in the car on the way home from the doctor’s office, after having the bandages removed. As they were chatting Sarah made a decision.
“I think I’m going to change my name! Like Sarah seems so boring now, it doesn’t go with the new me! I should totally start going by my blog name!”
They had the best sex that night, better than all the nights previous. Her new tits were amazing, As her boyfriend neared climax he shouted out something strange.
He just shouted “Oh god summer! You are the best!”
It was weird, she had never told him what her blog name was. She didn’t think about it much though she just giggled and enjoyed the sex. She was too happy to care.

She still kept up with her blog though! She just told her real life story now!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Lick Her Like A Lollipop

This is my 1,000th post, so that's cool

Saturday, August 5, 2017

LEANN REPROGRAMMED by The Sympathetic Devil

“Hey LeAnn!  Can I show you something?”
LeAnn sighed. Jay was so annoying and always ended up wasting her time.
“I have to get to the meeting about the new HR program, Jay.” She said.
“But this is about that,” he said. “Just take a look. It’ll only take a second.”
She sighed and took the laptop he was holding. It had a spreadsheet up but didn’t seem to have anything to do with HR.
“What am I supposed to be looking ahead,” she asked impatiently.
“Oh sorry,” he said. “I have to do this.”
He hit the F1 key and suddenly the screen started to shimmer and sparkle. Leanne blink twice rapidly and then her eyes went wide. She felt overwhelmed with vertigo but she could not look away.
“What… What is this…” She asked in a tremulous voice.
“It’s the new HR program!” Jay said. “It’s for programming our human resources! Just keep watching. You just have to keep watching.”
“I just have to keep watching,” she agreed. She didn’t want to. But she had to. She just had to.
And then she felt Jay’s hand on her ass. Her eyes went even wider but she couldn’t stop watching the screen. She had to keep watching.

“You have such a nice ass, LeAnn,” Jay said with an emphatic squeeze. “You really should let me squeeze it more often.”
“I should let you squeeze my ass more often,” she agreed.
She didn’t like it, but she know she should let him. And she did have such a nice ass.  That was undeniable.
“I know this is uncomfortable at first,” Jay said. “But if you just relax and let it happen, you’ll start to enjoy it. And you need to relax, LeAnn. Relax and let it happen. Relax and enjoy your reprogramming.”
All the tension eased out of her as she resolved herself to relax and let it happen. The vertigo didn’t go away exactly, but it stopped feeling bad. It was enjoyable, really.
“You know LeAnn, when you think about it, this is really the best thing that could’ve happened,” Jay told her. “This is your chance to let go of all your inhibitions and indulge all your sexual fantasies. You’ve always wanted to be in the office slut, but you were never brave enough to let everyone know how much you want to fuck. With the new reprogramming, you can be brave enough to tell the guys you want to fuck them. And that is what you want more than anything. You fantasize about cock all the time. You’re a total nympho, LeAnn.”
“Total nympho,” she agreed, really wishing Jay would stop talking and just fuck her. She had to keep watching the screen, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t take her from behind. She could be fucked and be reprogrammed at the same time.
“But I’m your favorite, LeAnn,” he informed her.  “You’d do anything to make me want you. The thought of having my cock in you makes you crazy horny.”
“So horny!” She agreed.  "I need you to fuck me now, Jay!  I need it so bad!”
“We better go to your office, then,” he told her.  “Not all the girls have been reprogrammed yet, so we might get interrupted before I’m finished.”
“Anywhere!” She pledged. “Anything for your cock! I need it in me!”
He led her to her office with his hand on her ass, her eyes still glued to the laptop screen.  He swept her stuff off her desk so there was room to bend her over while still watching the laptop.
“Being fucked on a desk at work is your favorite position, LeAnn.  Just the sight of a desk turns you on,” he told her.
“Makes me so hot,” she agreed.
“You know, the BimboTech people don’t just do brain reprogramming,” he told her as he stripped her from the waist down. “They can change your body too.  Give you big fake titties.  You’d look great with big fake titties. Maybe widen your hips a bit too. You’d like that, right?”
“I’d like that,” she agreed as his cock slid along her naked ass. “I’d look so good with big fake titties.  That would get me more cock.”
“It would!” he agreed.  “You know, LeAnn, you’re a bimbo, but you’re very clever at getting what yo want.”
“And I want cock,” she said.  “More than anything. Put it in me!”
And as at last his cock slid into her, the colors on the screen seemed to get even brighter and she knew everything would be just wonderful…
“Hi Jay! <giggle>” she said, flouncing into his office.

“Oh my god, LeAnn!” he gaped.  “Is that you?”
“Yep!” she announced.  “Don’t I look great with my big fake titties!”
“They did a hell of a lot more than just inflate your titties!” he said, his eyes drinking her in from top to toes.  “The senior management said they could only afford to give 10% of the employees the full BimboTech treatment! With you already being young and hot, I didn’t think you’d be one of them!”
“Yeah, they were just gonna give me this cream to rub into my titties to make them grow, but then I saw what they did for old Mrs. McGuire and I was all, like, I want that! And they were all like ‘we can’t afford that for everyone’ and I was like ‘but you could afford it for just me!”
“And that convinced them?” he asked.
“Well, that and I sucked A LOT of dick!,” she elaborated.  “A LOT of dick! <giggle>”

"Here!  Let me show you!”