Friday, July 28, 2017


Day 1: “Hey! I’m Barbra! Super excited to start my senior year since my breasts just started growing in since I turned 18 a couple weeks ago! Obviously gonna need to do well with my school work, but I got invited to a party by this new guy in class tonight! Never been to a party with actual drinking before! Horray for new experiences!”

Day 2: “The party was great last night. Well I think it was! I don’t remember a lot, guess that means I’m not drunk! Don’t feel hungover like everyone says you’re supposed to though. My breasts are aching a lot. Like bizarrly sensitive. Also woke up to a text from that guy. I think he likes me :) We’ll see.”

Day 5: “Friiidayyy!! The guy’s name is Jack. I’ve been texting and calling him all week. Bareellyy got any work done! It can wait til sunday thouh. Jack asked me to come to another party tonight. Skipped class a bitt early. I despirately needed new clothes, I never realized how curvy my body is! and I definitely needed a new bra…”

Day 6: “Ohmigod I love parties already! Jack introduced me to sum new peeples. Totally awesome girls and some cutie guys :) I got pretty tipssy and they took me out to the parlor to get this new belly ring! 
Got hot out this mornin, totally goin swimmin with my new bitchez and hunkies! ;)”

Day 7: “Jack took my shopping today, I needed new bras AGAIN! My boobs are growing so fast! I’m glad he liked them :) Ugh, but I got skool tomorow ;(”

Day 8: “OMG! I couldn’t take it anymore! nun of my old pants fit! my bootys allmost as Mazing as my boobies thes days. Jacky said I could buy as much i wanted. he luvs me so much <3 :))”

day 11: “goin for a job inter view today. Master Jack refred me too a big office. He thot id make a good secredary. hopflly my new big titties can help dem decide ;)”

Day 14: Friday nite again honeys!! Sooo done wit wurkin 2day! hvnt even tough bout skool 4 dys. Sir tinks i shud stop goin. Says i cud live 4evr from modeling n bein a secret ary. 


They were in a large lobby. She could tell by the echoes and the murmur of a few dozen people. Sunil led her forward. An elevator door opened in front of them. They stepped in.
“What floor, sir?” said an old-man’s voice.
Ashwini raised her eyebrows beneath her blind fold. An elevator operator?
“32nd, BTI,” Sunil said.
BTI. What was that? This surprise of Sunil was just getting stranger and stranger.
“Excellent, sir!” said the operator as the doors closed. “Returning visit?”
“No, first time,” Sunil said.
“Really? So those are real then?” said the man.
Sunil stiffened. Ashwini wondered what the man could mean by that.
The old man chuckled.
“Well, as a former friend of mine used to say, they can always be bigger,”
“Sunil?” Ashwini asked. “What’s going on? This is getting weird.”
“We’re almost there, Ash!” her boyfriend assured her. “You’ll LOVE this surprise, I promise!”
Ashwini scowled. She was becoming less and less sure about this ‘Anniversary Surprise’ Sunil had come up with. But he seemed really excited about it so she decided to humor him a little longer.
They got out of the elevator, walked down a hallway and into a door.
“Hi!” said a rich, bubbly voice that probably belonged to an African American woman. “Are you playing a game?”
“Kind of!” Sunil said. “We’re here to see Mr. Warren. We have an appointment.”
“Cool!” said the woman.
There was an awkward pause.
“Ummm,” said Sunil eventually. “Should we go somewhere?”
“But you just got here!” the woman exclaimed. “Weren’t you going to get bigger titties?”
“What the hell?” Ashwini said, pulling off her blindfold and blinking. There before her was a black woman with huge pair and HUMONGOUS breasts threatening to escape from a tiny scarlet dress with spaghetti straps. She was filing long fingernails painted to match her dress and big hoop earrings.
“Sunil, where are we!” Ashwini demanded.
“You’re at BimboTech, silly!” the black woman replied with a big grin. “I’m Tittiefuck, by the way. I’m the receptionist! <giggle> Oh yeah! I forgot, I’m supposed to tell Mr. Warren you’re here! God, I’m such a bimbo!”
She giggled, then sighed and continued filing her nails.
“What the hell is going on, Sunil?” Ashwini demanded as her boyfriend of two years blushed and hemmed and hawed.
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” he said lamely.
“Well I’m DAMN WELL SURPRISED!” Ashwini yelled.
“OH!” the receptionist exclaimed. “Are you being bitchy? God, I’m sorry! I just can’t seem to remember to do my job today! <giggle> Here you go!”
The woman pushed a big pink button on her desk. There was a whir of machinery from the ceiling. Ashwini looked up just in time to see a brass nozzle pointing right at her explode with pink fog.
“What the…” Ashwini exclaimed as she was enveloped in a pink cloud with a strong smell of strawberries and bubble gum. It smelled so nice! So very, very nice! She blinked rapidly and felt herself starting to hyperventilate. What was this stuff? Where was she? And why did she feel so…goooooooooooooood!”
When the fog cleared enough for Ashwini to see again, she didn’t have a thought in her head. Everything was happy and peaceful and giggly.
“Are you o.k. Ashwini?” Sunil asked.
Ashwini giggled. She had no idea what he meant.
“I did not want her to be a complete moron!” Sunil objected to the receptionist, who was getting up on to her soaring red heels and clip-clipping over to Ashwini. Ashwini giggled at how the huge boobies swayed from side to side as the receptionist walked.
“I just pushed the don’t-be-bitchy-button!” Tittiefuck exclaimed. “That’s what I’m supposed to do when they get bitchy! <giggle> The bimbo gas doesn’t last for very long. But it’s SOOOOOO nice! <giggle> I wish I could have some, but I’m not supposta during work hours. Is this your girlfriend? Gosh, she’s got tiny titties. Mr. Lorenz can fix that!”
The receptionist gave Ashwini’s D-cup breasts a squeeze. Ashwini giggled and reciprocated. The woman’s jugs were literally the size of watermelons. Had Ashwini had access to her rather substantial IQ, she would have wondered at the physics of how they were sticking up and out like that. But all she could do at the moment was giggle and squeeze, her big brown eyes going in and out of focus.
“Tittiefuck, did you gas my 3 o’clock?” came a voice the receptionist’s desk.
“Mr. Warren?” Tittiefuck exclaimed, looking around in confusion.
“God damn it, I told Corbin he was getting you too stupid to do your job,” the voice exclaimed. “I’ll be right there.”
Within seconds, a short, round-bellied man with a cheesy moustache came in.
“Sorry about that, Sunil,” he said. “I should have been here to greet you but I got…um…engaged with my earlier client. So this is Ashwini? Wow! She’s more gorgeous than her pictures. Love the hair! May I?”
He stroked Ashwini’s rich dark locks which hung to just above her shoulders. She giggled.
“Definitely need to grow her more of that!” said the man. “But that’s Lorenz’s field, not mine. I do head work, as I told you before. And I’m afraid I can’t do much with her gassed out of her head like this. Why don’t I see if I can get you in with Lorenz right now. She doesn’t need much in terms of the body shop anyway.”
“Well, I mostly wanted her titties done,” Sunil said.
“Oh, of course!” Mr. Warren exclaimed. “That’s what we specialize in, isn’t it?”
They left the receptionist at her desk and followed Mr. Warren down a hallway deeper into BimboTech Incorporated. Ashwini looked delightedly with unfocused eyes at the lights they passed, enjoying the feel of Sunil’s guiding arm around her waist. They stopped when they found a blonde woman in a tiny tube top and a white skirt with slits so far up each side so that it came close to being a loin cloth. One of the slits revealed a tattoo of a candy cane on one ass cheek. She had her right index finger all the way in her mouth and she was sucking at it petulantly.
“Hello Candyass,” Mr. Warren greeted. “Is your boss busy?”
The woman called Candyass pulled her finger out and pouted.
“He kicked me out,” she said. “Him and Ellie are doin’ twins but I don’t get to help ’cuz I was sucking on Ellie’s titties just a little bit while we was trying to get their clothes off. It’s not like I was tryin’ to suck on Mr. Lorenz or nothin’! I just needed something to suck on and the clients were still all old and wrinkly and Ellie’s boobies are so nice and juicy, and I can’t help it!”
“I know you can’t, Candyass,” Mr. Warren said. “Tell you what, why don’t you suck on Ashwini’s titties! They’re nice too!”
The blonde bimbo immediately brightened.
“Can I?” she asked, looking to Sunil.
“Sure!” Sunil agreed, and in a flash the blonde bimbo had Ashwini stripped to the waist, her bra and blouse on the floor and her right nipple in her mouth. Ashwini giggled. This was unexpected. She went back to staring at the overhead lights.
“Lorenz sounds like he’s doing a youthening, and with twins no less.” Mr. Warren said. “He gets obsessive with the really hard ones, so I doubt he’d be ready for Ashwini even if we had kept our agreed to schedule. But you know what, I don’t think Lorenz is your man anyway. You said you like them fake-looking, right?”
Sunil nodded vigorously.
“Big and plastic!” he enthused.
“Well, Lorenz will try to talk you into something more biological,” Warren said. “But I think we can go behind his back on this one, given how drop-dead gorgeous Ashwini is to begin with. Will you two be all right with Candyass while I see if my guy is available?”
“Sure!” Sunil said, eyeing the blonde who was giving Ashwini a hickie just below her left nipple.
Mr. Warren made Candyass disengage from Ashwini. The blonde pouted but Ashwini just giggled, not caring either way, really. He led them to an out-of-the-way room with couches and told the blonde bimbo she could suck Sunil’s dick. The blonde squealed with utter delight, pushed Sunil down on a couch and started stripping off his pants.
“You…um…don’t mind, right Ashwini?” her boyfriend asked her, looking back and forth between the cock-hungry blonde and the spaced-out brunette.
Ashwini giggled. She didn’t mind. She didn’t even know why she should. She started fiddling with her right nipple, Candyass having left her clothes in the hall. It felt good. She giggled and watched as the blonde bimbo took her boyfriend’s hard cock between red-painted lips. Her blonde head began to bob along his dark brown shaft. Ashwini was fascinated. The bobbing was mesmerizing.
“Pretty….” She managed to remember the word.
Sunil arched his back and groaned after a while. The sound brought Ashwini’s attention back to the fact that the cock the blonde head was bobbing on was actually connected to someone. She gave a little frown. Something was strange, but she wasn’t sure what it was. Wasn’t she the one who was supposed to….but then the thought was gone.
“I’m sorry,” Candyass said, looking up at Ashwini and smacking her lips. “I can’t help it! I see cock and I just gotta suck it! Hey! Can I suck your clitty?”
“Huh?” Ashwini asked. “I…huh?”
But the blonde was crawling towards her with purpose and soon Ashwini’s pants and panties were around her ankles. Then she was bare-assed on a couch and the blonde bimbo had her head between her thighs and was making a dessert of her crotch. Ashwini giggled. It was all very confusing but it felt really, really good.
Sunil sat next to her, putting an arm around her shoulder and stroking her hair.
“You’ll see,” he said. “This is all going to work out just fine for both of us.”
Ashwini blinked, a thought just on the tip of her brain, but then Candyass’s tongue found a spot that made it dissolve in a sigh. Sunil kissed her mouth, his tongue pushing into her mouth’s lips the way Candyass’s was pushing between her lower lips. She giggled and sucked at Sunil’s tongue.
“I can suck too,” she thought, the first coherent thought she had managed since the pink fog hit her. But then Candyass started licking her clitty while she worked three fingers into her pussy and even that simple thought seemed incomprehensible.
Mr. Warren was back. Ashwini hadn’t cum but she was feeling quite pleasant.
“Hi!” she said. “I’m Ashwini!”
Then she giggled.
“Uh-oh,” Mr. Warren said. “Sounds like we’ve got a time limit. You can do this quick, right?”
“Very,” said a young Chinese man beside him, lifting a small suitcase. “And with just the stuff in here. Lorenz needs to learn that different isn’t necessarily wrong.”
“Sunil, this is Shen Wah,” Mr. Warren introduced. “He’s a bioengineer. But really, he’s a sculptor working in the media of silicone, collagen and tit flesh. He came here for an internship but has had a little…difficulty finding a place in the bodyshop. I think he’s brilliant, though!”
The young man blushed. Sunil grinned at him.
“I like the sound of silicone,” he said. “But don’t you need, like, a hospital to do surgery?”
Shen made a scoffing sound.
“Surgery!” he said. “And risk scaring? No, we’re going to vibrate nanospheres of the stuff right into her titties, no scalpel, no mess, no anesthesia other than the anesthetic the spheres are coated in!”
He opened up his suitcase to reveal half of it was taken up by a glass tank filled with glistening white fluid.
“The only question is how much do you want her filled up with?”
Sunil grinned broadly, looking back and forth between the tank and Ashwini’s chest.
“How much for a G cup?” he asked.
Shen set the case down and walked up to Ashwini. He took her tits into his hands and gave a probing squeeze. Ashwini’s head swam. She blinked. What was happening?
“Oh yeah, we can do this easily,” Shen said. “Candyass, can you prep the titties for me? No licking! Just rubbing!”
The blonde bimbo pouted but obediently took a tube of something from the case and began rubbing a pale blue gel all over Ashwini’s chest. She looked achingly at her nipples, a drop of drool forming at the corner of her mouth, but she persisted in using only her hands. Ashwini sighed. It felt very, very nice, but she felt she had forgotten something. Something important.
And then the Chinese man was pushing Candyass aside and strapping two big, transparent plexiglass domes over her big brown boobies and belting them behind her. She frowned at the odd bikini. There were nipple-like nozzles at the front of each dome and Shen hooked a hose to them, connecting the other ends to the tank of white fluid. He then made a few taps on a tablet and nodded with satisfaction.
“G-cups it is then,” he said, tapping one more time.
There was a hum as the plexiglass domes around her boobs began to vibrate ever so gently. There was a pleasant feeling of warmth all throughout her chest. Her nipples began to vibrate in sympathy with the domes, which was not unpleasant at all.
“Oh sweet lord!” Sunil exclaimed.
Ashwini looked down and blinked. Her boobs were rippling, trembling as tiny white streams extended from all angles from the domes to her boobs. And then suddenly they were growing! Inflating like birthday balloons, slowly but surely. The urge to giggle, which had faded over the past few minutes, was suddenly back. It was crazy! She giggled and giggled.
“Big!” she managed, then gave into the giggle fit.
And then the domes were being removed and Ashwini sat up straighter, her perfectly-spherical tits jostling like two over-ripe cantaloupes.
“Is that big enough?” Shen was asking.
“I…” Ashwini started, and then realized he was talking to Sunil.
“Yeah, um, but, I was thinking…higher?” Sunil said. “Not that they aren’t great!”
“This is just giving us the material to work with,” Shen said, shaking a hand at him to let him know he wasn’t offended. “The fine tuning is done with these!”
The young man pulled out a pair of what looked like high-tech ping pong paddles.
“With the silicone nanospheres activated, I can get them into just about any shape or position with these, even cubes!”
Shen looked at Sunil questioningly, but Sunil looked disapproving so the bioengineer shrugged and proceed with his demonstration.
Placing the paddles on either side of Ashwini’s left tit, he adjusted some things with his thumbs and the warm buzzing feeling returned, though just on the left. She looked on in amazement as her left boob rippled and rolled up and to the left. Shen then did the same thing with the right. They now rode high on her chest. They still pressed together in the middle, being as big as they were, but would now be clearly visible from behind as well, curving out to either side just below her shoulders.
“Come give them a squeeze,” Shen told Sunil.
He came up and did so. It felt really good to Ashwini. Like little balloons of pleasure had just popped in her chest.
“Firmer?” Shen asked.
“Yeah!” Sunil nodded.
Shen passed the paddles above and below her rack. The buzzing warmth was accompanied by a feeling of fullness. Sunil gave another squeeze and then asked from more, which Shen was glad to give. At last Sunil was satisfied and Shen started packing up his kit.
“I..uh, I meant, thanks, but…I was hoping you could plump up her lips some. And make her hair longer,” Sunil objected.
“Uh, I don’t think we have time for that right now, Sunil,” Mr. Warren said. “We, um, really need to get to my office now.”
Ashwini blinked and stared at her big silicone-stuffed titties. They were big. Really really big. How come they were so big? She blinked. They felt good…but they were really big. That wasn’t right.
“We need to go to the office now, Ashwini,” the round-bellied man was telling her. He had his hand on her arm, encouraging her to get up. She did so, but her big, over-stuffed titties jostled, demanding attention. She stared at them. They were so….big.
“I’m…naked,” Ashwini said, confused.
“Yes you are!” Mr. Warren agreed with a forced smile on his face. “That is very observant of you! A very observant girlfriend you have there, Sunil. We should go to my office. Now.”
And then Sunil was at her side and they were rushing out of the room, Ashwini’s new big boobies bouncing before her distractingly. Something wasn’t right. They were so…big.
And then they came to a big mahogany door with a brass handle. They entered a richly-furnished office with a big, odd-looking chair in the center. There was a big mahogany desk as well. Mr. Warren and Sunil led her to the strange chair. She wasn’t sure why it looked so strange until Mr. Warren pulled out straps from the arm rest to secure her arms, similar straps to secure her legs, and then a headband wrapped around her forehead, securing her head to the back of the chair as something hard and warm pressed against the base of her skull.
“Wait a minute!” Ashwini said, suddenly sure that this wasn’t right. “You aren’t supposed to HEY!”
Something hard and slick was coming out of the seat of her chair and pressing between her naked ass cheeks. Her asshole clenched instinctively, but then the thing vibrated and her sphincter relaxed and she farted as the thing pushed gently inside her. Her eyes went wide. This was….this was….
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?!” she demanded.
The fog of mindless pleasure burned away at the blatant violation.
“Now calm down, Miss,” Mr. Warren said, seeming paradoxically relieved now that Ashwini was in her right mind and going to sit in the chair behind the big desk. “This isn’t what it seems at all! It’s really not what you think!”
“I don’t know what to think!” Ashwini spat.
“OH!” the little round man exclaimed. “OH GOOD! That is such a relief! So many clients have a hard time admitting that!”
“Wait…what?” Ashwini said. “I didn’t admit anything! You’re the one who needs to admit something! You and Sunil and those…those…bimbos! Admit that you did something to me and…and…oh god…”
“But you do agree that you don’t know what to think, don’t you Miss?” Mr. Warren said earnestly. “I mean, it should go without saying, but admitting it is important. You really don’t know what to think. When you accept that and embrace that you’ll be so much happier.”
“But that’s not what I meant!” Ashwini objected.
“I’m not certain that you know what you mean, are you Miss?” Mr. Warren said with a tone of infuriating concern.
There was a throbbing buzz at the base of Ashwini’s skull and her eyes went out of focus. She had completely forgotten what she was going to say!
“I…you…what?” she managed.
“Confusion is perfectly normal, of course,” Mr. Warren continued in the roll of psychologist, “What is most concerning is your apparent irrational anger with Sunil here. That isn’t right at all!”
“Irrational!?!” Ashwini demanded, her anger overwhelming the confusion. “He…he brought me here so you people could intoxicate me and give me…give me…THESE!”
She tried to indicate her inflated tits, but with her head and arms bound to the chair all her motion did was cause her ballooned boobies to bounce and bound. As they did so a wave of pleasure emanated from them and the buzzing at the base of her skull started again, joined by an infuriatingly delicious buzzing from the rod up her ass.
“But he gave you those as a surprise!” Mr. Warren exclaimed. “As a gift for your second anniversary! I don’t think you appreciate what a nice thing it was Sunil did for you!”
“Nice? Nice?” Ashwini said, trying to recover her anger of a moment before, but the throbbing and the buzzing and the jiggling were so confusing and so were the pseudopsychologist’s words.
“Of course it was nice!” Mr. Warren exclaimed. “Sunil, is there anything you like better than big bouncy boobies?”
“They’re my favorite!” Ashwini’s boyfriend affirmed.
“And what could be nicer than giving someone you care about your favorite thing?” Mr. Warren asked. “He gave you his favorite thing, Miss, and your reaction was really ungrateful. Not very kind of you, Miss. Not very kind at all. You should be ashamed!”
“But…but…” Ashwini protested. There was something wrong with Mr. Warren’s logic, but the buzzing at the back of her head and deep up her ass were making it so hard to think. And then the buzzing changed and she was awash with guilt.
“You’re acting like an ungrateful brat, Miss,” Mr. Warren said, cutting her to the quick. “You should be THANKING Sunil, not yelling at him.”
Tears welled up in Ashwini’s eyes. She was bad. So mean. So angry. So guilty.
“You don’t want to be a bad person, do you Miss?” Mr. Warren asked. “You want to be kind. You want to be nice. You want to be grateful, isn’t that right?”
Those words did sound like what she liked to think about herself. But right now, she felt horrid. Worthless. Ashamed.
“It’s not too late, Miss!” Mr. Warren said. “You can still be nice! The first step is to show gratitude! Sunil gave you his favorite thing! You can show you’re a nice person by saying thank you. Say thank you, Miss, and you will feel SOOOOO much better.”
“Th…thank you?” Ashwini asked in a tiny voice, and suddenly the bad feelings were gone and she was flooded with pleasure. Pink stars exploded behind her eyes and delight danced inside her clitty and her inflated chest.
“EEEEEEEEE!” she squealed.
She sat panting and blinking, trying to figure out what had happened.
“See how nice it feels to be nice? To be grateful? But you can do a better ‘thank you’ than that, can’t you Miss? Tell Sunil ‘thank you’ like you really mean it!”
“But…but I…” Ashwini began, not having really meant to thank him the first time, but then the bad feeling, the feeling of worthlessness, started growing again at the base of her skull and in the pit of her stomach. She panicked.
“Thank you, Sunil!” she called out. “Thank you so much! Thank you very very OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!”
The pleasure was back, powerful and pervasive, running all through her this time, from her toes to the tips of the hair. Her pussy quivered with delight and she was vaguely aware that she was cuming.
“So you really like them?” Sunil asked. “You really like the big fake titties I got you?”
“I...” Ashwini said, trying to focus her eyes and her mind at the same time and finding it nearly impossible to do either. “I…um…thank you?”
“What are you thanking him for, Miss?” the man behind the desk asked.
“Thank you for…for my big…fake…titties?” she asked.
And the pleasure was back, but not as strong as before. She wanted it as strong as before. She wanted it stronger.
“THANK YOU FOR MY BIG FAKE TITTIES!” she exclaimed and got hit with such an overwhelming burst of sheer joy that all she could do was scream as the world burned pink and then went black.
She awoke to Mr. Warren telling her all about the virtues of gratitude and of being a good girlfriend and of being sexy and slutty and jiggly and giggly. It was so fascinating and so true and so very, very rewarding to agree with him. She passed out several more times, it was so delightful.
“I’m so glad you chose to be more grateful, Miss Melons,” Mr. Warren was saying as Ashwini slowly became aware of her surroundings again. The Chinese man was back and was doing something to her head, pressing things that pricked slightly at her scalp. “Not only does it show that you’re as kind and nice as Sunil told me you are, it also means we can give you the other surprises he ordered for you in good conscience.”
“I…what did you call?…other surprises?…what is he…?” she asked, her mind jumping from thought to thought, not quite managing to complete any of them.
“I called you Miss Melons, of course!” Mr. Warren said. “That IS your name, after all. Ashwini Melons. But Miss Melons is more respectful, don’t you think?”
“But my name isn’t…” she started to say, as her scalp started buzzing and the tickle made her giggle. “My name is…”
There was a buzz at the base of her skull and a bubble of confusion formed there, rose up and popped.
“I know that wasn’t always your name, Sweetie,” Mr. Warren explained. “But you want a name that will draw attention to those big fake titties of yours, to show how proud you are of them and how grateful you are that Sunil got them for you. You are still grateful, aren’t you Miss Melons?”
Remembering the pleasure explosion drove out concern about her altered name.
“Yes! I’m grateful! So grateful! I love my big fake titties!” she exclaimed and as she hoped she was rewarded with a wash of lovely feelings that made everything else seem unimportant. She giggled softly. Something tickled. A lock of her rich dark hair was dangling between her eyes. Looking at it made her eyes cross, which made her giggle. It wasn’t like she could focus on it anyway. Not when she felt so good. The lock of hair tickled her nose and then her lip and then her chin. It seemed to be growing awfully fast. A hand reached forward and brushed it out of the way. Ashwini half focused to see that it was Sunil, who smiled shyly at her.
“Sunil asked us to grow your hair out too, as part of the surprise,” Mr. Warren explained. “Are you grateful for that too Miss Melons?”
Ashwini didn’t have to think about that one.
“YES!” she declared. “THANK YOU SUNIL!”
And then she was cuming again and giggling wildly as pleasure danced about in every nerve of her body.
“You really are a very nice person, aren’t you Miss Melons?” Mr. Warren was saying as she slowly regained the ability to listen. “So kind and generous and grateful. So giving of yourself. I was wrong about you, I admit it! When I first met you, I thought you were an angry, bitchy girl. You aren’t an angry person at all! You’re an utter delight to be around! I can see why Sunil cares for you and wants to give you nice things. You’re just so bubbly!”
And little bubbles of happiness formed at the base of her skull as he said so and popped all over in her brain. She giggled and giggled. It was so nice to be appreciated.
“You’re going to want to do everything you can to show off the nice big fake titties your boyfriend got you, aren’t you Miss Melons?” Mr. Warren asked. “Every time people pay attention to your titties, you know they’re thinking how pretty you are and how nice your boyfriend is and how lucky you are to have him AND your titties!”
Ashwini giggled.
“So lucky!” she agreed. “Lucky titties, lucky me!”
Mr. Warren grinned and suddenly Ashwini was cuming again, hard and fast, until she passed out again.
When she came to again, her hair was tickling her naked thighs. She blinked and saw Mr. Warren peering at her anxiously.
“Are you all right Miss?” he asked.
She giggled.
“I’m fine!” she declared. “So nice. So good.”
And then she giggled.
“And what was your name again Miss?” he asked.
“I’m Miss Melons, silly!” she reminded him, as a feeling of warm comfort washed through her. “Miss Melons!”
“Of course you are!” Mr. Warren agreed. “You really are one of my favorite clients, Miss Melons! You’re such a good girlfriend to Sunil and you’re just so giving! You just want to make everyone around you feel good, don’t you?”
Miss Melons giggled and agreed.
“You’re just so nice that no one even cares that you aren’t very smart, right?” he asked.
Miss Melons blinked.
“I’m not?” she asked.
“Well, I mean, you aren’t a moron, but you really have better things to do than to think a lot, don’t you?” Mr. Warren asked. “I mean, that’s what you have Sunil for! He’s just so clever! Really, you never would have gotten big fake titties for yourself, would you? No, you never even thought of it, silly bimbo that you are! But Sunil thought of it and you just love them, don’t you?”
“I love my big fake titties!” Miss Melons agreed, floating away on a cloud of pleasure and realizing that the rest of what Mr. Warren said might be true but she really didn’t have to think about it. She could ask Sunil about it later. If she remembered. She giggled as she realized she probably wouldn’t. She was such a bimbo.
“Well, I think things are going marvelously!” Mr. Warren said. “There is just one more thing to go over. Sunil, could you go back to the waiting room Candyass showed you earlier. I need to talk to Miss Melons about something privately.”
“Oh…Okay,” Sunil agreed, then stepped up to Miss Melons and squeezed her right tit, making her giggle and feel good all over. “I’ll miss you, Melons! See you soon!”
“Aw!” Miss Melons said, feeling like a very lucky girl to have such a caring boyfriend.
Once Sunil was gone, Mr. Warren turned to her. She giggled, wondering what it was he wanted but pretty sure she would give it to him, being the generous bimbo that she was.
“I don’t really need to do anything more with you, Miss Melons,” he confided, unstrapping her head and arms and legs. “You’re a perfect little bimbo.”
Miss Melons giggled.
“Why Thank You!” she said.
“But since Sunil gave you all this for your anniversary, I thought you might want to give HIM something,” Mr. Warren explained.
Miss Melons gasped. The shirt she had back in the apartment for Sunil seemed so inadequate now. What could she possibly give him?
“Now, what does Sunil like?” Mr. Warren asked.
“OH!” Miss Melons exclaimed, excited to know the answer. “Big fake titties!”
She grabbed hold of her jugs and held them up with a big grin.
“Yes, of course,” Mr. Warren agreed. “But he got those for YOU and I’m sure you’re going to share them with him a lot. But do you know what else Sunil really, really likes?”
Miss Melons stared at the psychologist drawing a complete blank. She shook her head.
“Mr. Wah, what do all men like?” Mr. Warren asked the bioengineer who was standing just behind Miss Melons.
“Blow jobs,” the man replied.
“OH!” Miss Melons exclaimed, slapping her forehead. “Sunil LOVES blow jobs! I’m such a bimbo to have forgotten that! Do you think I should give him a blow job?”
“Definitely!” Mr. Warren said. “But better than that, with Mr. Wah’s help, you can make your mouth into the ultimate BimboTech B.J. machine!”
Miss Melons turned to the Chinese man in hopeful excitement and he grinned at her and held up something that looked like the bastard offspring of a dildo and a dental dam with an electrical cord extending out the back.
Miss Melons giggled and asked: “How does it work?”
“I will show you,” Mr. Wah assured her, coating the thing with gel and then slipping the dildo down her throat until the flanged part covered her lips. Everything tingled but she didn’t have the slightest urged to gag. Within a couple seconds, she found she could breathe through her nose just fine as the thing started to buzz and throb and her lips began to feel pleasantly swollen as her throat undulated along the strange rod.
When Mr. Wah at last slipped the device out of her throat, Mr. Warren held up a mirror. Staring back at Miss Melons was a bimbo with big brown eyes, a heavy mane of rich dark hair, plump collagen-filled lips that clearly had one main purpose, and, of course, big fake titties. She giggled, delighted at how everything had turned out. She kissed Mr. Wah and Mr. Warren.
“Sunil will just love me sucking him off with these!” she declared.
Mr. Warren then called in several bimbos. Miss Melons barely caught their names as they rushed her off, giggling and squealing about how nice she looked and how lucky she was. Soon they had her dressed in a bright yellow dress with a red belt. It really showed of her big fake titties! It was sleeveless and with a mandarin collar that buttoned with a big red button at the neck but then opened up in a vast window that reached down to just above her pokey nipples. The fabric clung and supported her titties, pressing them up and out of the peekaboo window so the spherical brown curve of her melons on each side was accentuated. Anyone who saw her would know her boyfriend had gotten her big fake titties!
The yellow fabric clung to the curve of her ass and hips as well, of course, and just barely covered her pussy, which was really anxious to go show everything off to Sunil. The other bimbos insisted on doing her makeup, though, painting her newly-plumped lips red and applying eyeshadow, blush and mascara. The redheaded bimbo assured her that blowjobs were better with makeup on.
They put big red plastic tear drop earrings in her ears, several red plastic bracelets around her wrists, and yellow lace fingerless gloves on her hands. They brushed out her rich dark hair, trimming it just above her ass but doing nothing to tame it. They applied fake red plastic fingernails and painted her toe nails to match.
She was a little hesitant at the soaring high-heeled yellow sandals they brought her. Could she even walk in them? But when the Hispanic bimbo assured her that they would make her big fake titties wiggle and jiggle with every step she figured she just HAD to give them a try. With a little practice and helpful suggestions, she soon had the hang of it and was strutting back and forth in front of the mirrors to the delighted cheers of her bimbo sisters.
Miss Melons then strutted anxiously off down the hall, guided by the other bimbos, in search or her wonderful boyfriend that had got her all these nice things. As she stepped through the door, Sunil’s jaw dropped. She giggled.
“Happy Anniversary!” she declared.
Then she walked forward in her heels, her boobies dancing, her ass wiggling, her mouth and nether regions getting moist.
“Time for YOUR present! I got you a B.J.!” she declared, kneeling before him. “I hope you like it!”
She undid his pants and pulled out his cock. It was very, very hard. Another nice thing he had for her!
She licked her plump, red lips and then licked the anxious tip of his cock. He sighed. She giggled. She went down on him, slipping his whole shaft down his throat the way Mr. Wah’s lovely machine had earlier. His pubes tickled her nose. She giggled around his shaft. He whimpered.
“Mmmmmm!” she declared, her tongue slipping out along the underside of his prick to tickle his balls. Then she pulled her head back slowly, her plump, blow-job lips doing what they did best, caressing his manhood, streaking it red with her lipstick.
“Oh Ash…Oh Melons!” he exclaimed.
“Mmmm!” she said and bobbed her head forward again like a striking viper, impaling her throat with his man meat. He groaned. She giggled and tickled his balls with her fake nails as she began to rhythmically bob her head along his cock. He reached out and grabbed a fistful of her wild mane. She drew back and went down for more, over and over, in a compelling rhythm, focusing on the feeling of his dick inside her throat, using her modified mouth to do things that only a bimbotech girl could do.
She drooled and moaned. She hadn’t realized just how fun this could be. Why did they call it a job?
She giggled. She shouldn’t think about that. She shouldn’t think. Just feel. Just suck. She was good at this. And it was nice. So nice. She wanted to be nice. It felt so good to be nice.
Sunil shuddered and groaned. He was cuming. Cuming in her mouth. With the first squirt, a flood of pleasure that reminded her of her time in the chair exploded through her and she found she was cuming as well.
She sat back on her ass and looked up at Sunil. He smiled stupidly back at her. She giggled.
“Happy Anniversary!” she said again.
“Happy Anniversary, Miss Melons,” he said.
Miss Melons was delighted to discover that in addition to all the other presents Sunil had gotten her, he had purchased something called ‘Reload’ that had his cock hard and ready for her again and again. He gave her neglected pussy what it had been craving for quite sometime, letting her ride him with her big fake titties bouncing every which way.
Then he gave it to her again doggystyle and then tittiefucked her for good measure. She moaned and giggled and groaned and wiggled until she didn’t know which way was up. Then they lay there together, panting and giggling, until Candyass knocked at the door and let them know that BimboTech was about to close.
Candyass helped clean Miss Melons up, licking spunk off her and helping fix her makeup, then dressing her. She still looked freshly fucked but not quite so spunky.
Mr. Warren came to see them off.
“I must say, it’s been a delight working with you both,” he said. “Especially you, Miss Melons.”
He felt her up with both hands, giving her jugs a good squeeze and making her giggle and stamp her feet in her ‘fuck me’ heels.
“Of course, I should tell you, Miss Melons, that Sunil couldn’t quite afford all these services,” Mr. Warren said. “But he thought we could probably come up with a payment plan. As it so happens, I am in need of my own receptionist, as the main BTI receptionist keeps screwing up my appointments. Since you aren’t really college material, would you consider dropping out and working for me?”
Miss Melons giggled and looked at Sunil, who nodded his encouragement.
“Sure!” she exclaimed. “That’d be nice!”
“I’m sure it will be!” Mr. Warren declared. “Come in Monday morning and I’ll give you a thorough interview.”
“Okay!” Miss Melons declared, and then she giggled as Sunil placed his hand on her ass and guided her back to the elevator. Her big fake titties danced about inside her new dress and she wondered what other surprises life had in store for her.

The End

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

FUCKED UP by Limerick

His fever flirted with 104. That was the line Thomas and Jillian had set for the hospital. Jillian had set it, anyway. Thomas was deep in a gauzy haze of fever dreams and wretched, limping trips to the bathroom. And sweat. So much sweat.
“Drink more fluids,” Jillian commanded. Her take-charge, no-nonsense attitude was perfect for high fevers, if less fun in the day to day of marriage. But she was in her element, changing out sodden pajamas, mopping up toilet misses, and generally overseeing the shaking mess that was her husband. Thomas drank gallons of fluids.
It was a weird fever. Mainly because he was hungry—starving. He ate continuously, chewing weakly, his body ravenous for fuel. At one point he crawled out of bed, found a bag of old candy corn, ate it, and then crawled back, not once standing up. There were cans of tuna with dent marks where he had, fever-crazed, tried to open them with scissors. After that Jillian took a few days off work to nurse him.
And strangest of all, as he started to recover, was that Jillian kept spending time near him. Not just nearby, but in the room—that abused set of reeking sheets and sodden, discarded clothes. Tissues littered the floors. He had to look gaunt and pale, and smell like intestines. But his wife kept finding excuses to stay in the bedroom, reading patiently, doing crosswords, or just staring, sometimes, at the walls. Breathing.
“I must smell like an open toilet,” Thomas said, at one point. Jillian had a strange look on her face.
“No. No you don’t,” she said. Then she sniffed at him, carefully, like he was a piece of suspicious fruit. “No,” she said, wrinkling her nose. “Not at all. Not at all.”


“Oh my God,” said Pamela. “There goes another one!”
Julie peaked over the ledger she had brought down to lunch in order to check it over just one more time. She didn’t want to be caught staring—not that any of them seemed to mind.
She had seen this one several times before and suspected she must work there in the building. The sight of her was still startling though and she couldn’t help but look with a mixture of amazement, contempt and, though she’d never admit it, envy.
The person who had captured Julie and her two lunch companion’s attention was a black woman with insanely large breasts. They jutted out before her, defying gravity, swaying momentously with every step.
Her outfit wasn’t business attire by any stretch of the imagination. She wore a gold lamae dress whose hemline skirted the round curve of her bulbous ass. The neckline plunged to her navel and flared out to just barely manage to cover her prominent nipples. She wore a gold chain around her neck with a gold and zirconium capitol letter T dangling in her daunting cleavage and large gold hoops in her ears and around her wrists. Her long fingernails were carefully painted in sparkly gold as were her chunky platform shoes that seemed to break several laws of physics in order to allow such a top-heavy woman to walk.
The woman seemed to delight in the gawking of every man she passed as she strode from the elevator, past the cafe where Julie and her co-workers sat, towards the revolving door that led to the street. She giggled at every double take, at every catcall, at every lewd observation. Then she waved a girly hand and wiggled her tits and her ass.
At the revolving door, she giggled again, made several false starts, then scampered in. She went around a good five times before making it outside.
She was a bimbo. The new building was full of them. They wandered around the lobby in scandalous outfits, showing off their big fake breasts, giggling and flirting and acting like a teenage boy’s ultimate fantasy.
The reason there were so many of them seemed to be a company on the 32nd floor: BimboTech Incorporated. Julie and her co-workers weren’t sure what it was they did, exactly. Yesterday at lunch, Cindy had said ‘Maybe they make bimbos!’ and they had all laughed. They did seem to provide bimbo-related services of some sort.
Pamela and Cindy finished their lunches well before Julie. She found a mistake in the ledger and now she felt compelled to triple check everything, neglecting her lunch more than usual. Her coworkers waited politely until she waved them off. She didn’t know why she even bothered leaving her office for lunch.
Julie had finally finished her lunch and her audit to her satisfaction when the black bimbo in the gold dress came back. Her breasts were just so huge! What was keeping them up like that? Julie had been thinking about breast implants lately. She was really feeling her 40 years lately and was self conscious when she took off her clothes in front of her husband Sam. She had never been big, but she thought that meant she wasn’t supposed to get saggy. What she little she had, though, was doing its best to start a migration south.
On a whim, Julie stood once the bimbo passed. She followed the black woman to the elevator. This was the only elevator that serviced above the 30th floor. For some reason, it had an attendant while those that serviced just the lower floors didn’t. Julie supposed it was for security, though what kind of security the old man could offer she couldn’t guess.
“Oh yeah!” said the woman as Julie stepped beside her and pushed the up button. “I always forget that part! <giggle> Thanks!”
“Um, no problem,” she said. “We women have to stick up for each other, right?”
“You said it, sister!” said the bimbo. “Hi! I’m Tittiefuck! I’m a BimboTech girl!”
“Um, hi,” said Julie. “I’m Julie. I do accounting for Bryant Industries. That’s a, um, interesting name. I’m not sure I heard you right.”
The woman just giggled.
“So, have you worked at BimboTech long?” Julie asked.
“Gosh, I can’t even remember when I didn’t!” she exclaimed.
“What exactly is it that they do there,” Julie asked.
“We make ladies pretty and happy,” the bimbo explained.
“So, it’s like a salon?” Julie asked.
“Yeah, I guess so,” said the woman.
“Is it more than that?” Julie probed. “Did you get your implants there?”
“My what?” she asked.
Julie blushed. She had assumed that they must have been. They couldn’t possibly be natural, could they?
“Oooh! You mean my big titties?” the woman asked. “Yeah! I got them first thing! Aren’t they great?”
“Uh, yeah,” Julie said, blushing all the harder. “Unbelievable, really. Did it, well, hurt?”
“Oh God, no!” the black woman exclaimed. “It feels sooo good! I asked Mr. Fink to make them bigger, but he says I’d fall over. <giggle>
“Huh,” said Julie. “I had heard that it was painful. I’ve thought about getting implants—though not as big as yours. But I’ve never had surgery before and it kind of scares me.
“Oh, it’s not scary at all!” said the receptionist. “Some girls are scared when it starts, but they feel pretty silly afterwards <giggle>. Hey! I know! You should come visit! Then you’ll see how silly it is to be scared!”
“Really, well, I should get back to work...” said Julie. “But I guess maybe I could just pop in and get a brochure or something?”
“Cool! You’ll totally love it. I just know!”
Julie felt a little thrill of excitement. It was crazy and she would never go through with it, of course, but just knowing that she would be the only woman in her office who had braved the mysterious 32nd floor was exciting. They never would have expected it of her. She’d show them that she was daring! She might even leave the brochure for her husband to find. He had liked it when she dyed her hair red, though her in-laws had made fun of her for it. No, she definitely wasn’t going to have surgery…but it couldn’t hurt to learn more.
They arrived at the 32nd floor. The elevator operator tipped his hat and said “See you on the way down.”
“Actually, I’m just going to be in and out” Julie told him. “Could you keep the elevator up here? If you don’t get any calls, I mean.”
“Oh sure,” said the operator. “Course, you never can tell how long in and out’ll take...especially when you get to be my age.”
He chuckled nastily and Julie blushed. She resolved to take some time in the salon so that he’d get called away, then walk down the 9 flights of stairs to her office.
The receptionist led her on to the first door in the hallway. There on the door was the silhouette of a kneeling, large breasted woman and the words “BimboTech Inc.". Now Julie had always assumed that the whole ‘bimbo’ term was rather tongue-in-cheek. That it was some sort of fad—smart young women putting on bimbo airs as some sort of deep irony. But the more time she spent with Tittiefuck (was that really what she said?), the more perplexed she was. Was it all an act or wasn’t it? She just couldn’t tell. Maybe if she spoke with some of the other women she could figure out if she should be disgusted or amused.
When she entered the reception area, however, it wasn’t another bimbo that greeted her. It was an impeccably-dressed man.
“Well hello!” he said. “Who’s your friend, T.F.?”
“This is Julie!” the woman introduced her. “She works in the building and she likes my titties!”
“No!” Julie exclaimed. “I…I didn’t say that!”
“It’s okay, Julie!” the man insisted. “Tittiefuck gets a little confused from time to time. She has a…unique…outlook on things.” “I’m a bimbo!” she said proudly.
“Yes you are,” the man said. “I’m George Fink, CEO of BimboTech, Inc. How can we serve you, Julie? Are you interested in the bimbo lifestyle?”
“No, it’s not like that!” Julie protested. “I’m an accountant, for god’s sake. I just, well, I was kind of interested in, um, breast implants. But I really don’t think…”
“Well you came to the right place!” Mr. Fink enthused. “We can give you the rack you always dreamed of! And unlike implants, we also give you the muscle and skin modifications that will support your new jugs! All without surgery!”
“Really? I’ve never heard of any procedure like that?” Julie said. The man was creeping her out, but her curiosity was piqued. “Do you have, like, a brochure I could take? I’d want to look into it thoroughly before I committed to anything.”
“Oh, I’ve got something better than that!” the man exclaimed. “I’ve got free samples!”
He grabbed her upper arm and she felt a sharp needle prick.
“Hey!” Julie exclaimed. “What are you doing? What was tha…tha…whoa!”
Julie felt like little pink bubbles were running up her spine to pop in her brain. It was a very pleasant feeling.
“This is your lucky day!” said Mr. Fink. “We’re having a sale! A special, limited-time introductory offer! We’ll give you the full BimboTech treatment for free! Not just the boobies—the whole package!”
“But, um, I don’t want to be a, like, <giggle> like a, god I feel strange!”
“Well, we’ll just pump up your titties and then you can decide if you want any more!” Fink said.
“I mean, this isn’t the sort of thing you just jump into,” she said. “I should think about it. Read about it. Ask my…that one guy….<giggle>…I mean my husband….”
“Oh your husband will love it, Julie!” the man insisted. “What man wouldn’t? And I’m afraid you don’t have time to waste thinking about it.”
“I don’t?” she asked as the room started to slowly spin.
“Yes! Our free introductory offer is only available for a limited time! You must act now, Julie, or you’ll miss it!”
“Oh no!” she exclaimed.
“Come on, Julie! The wonderful world of BimboTech awaits! You’ll be beautiful! Sexy! Your husband will desire you! All men will desire you. Women will envy you!”
“And desire you!” Tittiefuck volunteered.
It was all happening so fast! But everything seemed so nice and she felt so warm and slightly dizzy. And it was free. You couldn’t beat free! She should know; she was an accountant!”
She giggled.
“Okay.” She said. “I guess I’ll try it.”
“You won’t regret it, Julie!” said Mr. Fink. “You won’t even know how!”
And with a friendly hand on her ass, he guided her into the bowels of BTI.
* * *

Julie jiggled back into the reception area several hours later. Tittiefuck was there at her desk, filing her nails.
“Ta-da!” Julie exclaimed, jumping in front of the receptionist and throwing her arms up in the air. Her new breasts bounced and bounded in their maroon pleather minidress. They weren’t as big as Tittiefuck’s but they were a hell of a lot more than she’d ever had before. And they felt so good!
“Oh man, baby doll!” Tittiefuck exclaimed. “You look fine! Who are you again?”
“I’m Julie, silly!” she exclaimed.
“Oh yeah! You got your ass totally bimboed! <giggle> That’s so hot!” said the receptionist. “Platinum totally works on you!”
“You know it, girlfriend!” Julie said. “My hubby is in for some hot bimbo luvin tonight!”
“You go girl! Ride that hard cock all night long!” said Tittiefuck.
“You know I’m gonna!” she said. “I just gotta stop by the office and finish some things up!”
Julie had completely lost track of time while she was at BimboTech. Her office was closed. She wasn’t sure what time it was—her watch didn’t match her new outfit, so she had left there along with her clothing, which didn’t fit now and was really kind of ugly anyway. She really needed to go shopping, but she needed to show Sam her new titties even more! She couldn’t wait to see how his cock reacted to her hot bimbo body!
Julie sighed as she approached her house. She could see through the window that her mother-in-law, Nancy, was there. The mean-spirited woman lived two houses down, with Julie’s sister-in-law between. Nothing Julie ever did was right in Nancy’s eyes. Whenever her mother-in-law was around, Julie felt small and ugly and foolish.
But that was the old Julie! She was bimbo-Julie now and, damnit, she wasn’t going to let some ugly, bitchy, non-bimbo come between her and her husband’s cock! She set her shoulders, stuck out her substantial new chest, and jiggled purposefully into her home.
“Were have you been…oh good lord!” said Nancy as soon as she opened the door.
“Mom?” asked her 8 year old daughter Hillary. “Is that you? You’re so pretty!”
“Thank you, cutie!” she exclaimed. “I’m glad you think so! They were doing free makeovers at work, and I just went for it <giggle>!
Hillary giggled too. Nancy sputtered.
“What do you think, Sam?” Julie asked. “Tell me you don’t love it!”
“I…I…Wow!” said her husband.
Her 15-year-old son Brad was even more dumbfounded. His glass of soda slipped out of his hand and drenched his crotch as he gawked at her. He swore and scrambled out of his seat and into his room with several furtive back glances at his mother.
“Oops!” Julie said, then giggled. She went over to where he had dropped his glass. She bent over to pick it up, just the way the BimboTech girls had shown her, maximizing the upward rise of her tiny pleather skirt, her bimbo bubble butt pointed straight at Sam. She snapped upright with a twist of her waist so Sam would see her rack jiggle in profile, assuming he could tear her eyes off her ass.
“Sorry I’m late,” Julie said, “It took longer than I thought it would. I’m not in trouble, am I?”
She pouted and fluttered her heavily made-up eyelids.
“You look like a whore!” Nancy finally managed to say.
“Mom!” Sam objected.
“Well she does!” her mother-in-law insisted. “We’re all thinking it!”
“You’re granddaughter certainly isn’t! That’s my wife and her mother you’re talking about!” Sam said. “I think you need to go home, mother!”
Julie nearly swooned. Sam had never defended her like that to his mother’s abuse.
“Well I never!” said Nancy, trying to get out of the easy chair she had sunk into and succeeding on the third try. She stuck a commanding finger in her sons face. “You be a man and make your wife act respectable! I won’t have her embarrassing this family!”
With that she stalked off.
“You okay, little one?” Sam asked Hillary.
The 8-year old shrugged.
“Like I didn’t know grandma was a bitch,” she said with an impish grin.
Julie snorted as she suppressed a giggle. Sam glared at her.
“Don’t use words like that, honey. Can you go to bed now?” Sam asked. “Daddy and Mommy need to talk.”
“Okay,” she said and scurried off to bed, with one knowing look back at them.
Julie followed suit and scampered to the room she shared with Sam, a come-hither look over her shoulder. Hither he came, a tell-tale shuffle in his gate.
“So, you wanna talk to me on top or on bottom?” she asked.
Sam sighed and shuddered.
“Julie, honey, we really do need to talk about this!” he insisted. “This was more than a make over! Your breasts are…are…”
“Tittielicious?” she suggested, making her hard nipples trace figure eights.
“The…the…they’re very nice, sweetie, but, I mean, shouldn’t we have talked about this first? I mean, how much did all this cost anyway? Where did you have this done?”
“It’s totally free! <giggle> and so am I! So let’s celebrate, Sammy boy! How do you want me? How do you want your bimbo?”
“Julie, this is serious!” Sam protested. “Do you even know how they did this to you?”
“Right now, I’m more interested in how you’re going to do it to me, stud-muffin!” she said, reaching out to cup his crotch in her hand, delighted to find it swelling. “Where you gonna put that big ol’ piece of man meat? <giggle>Howsabout I suck your dick while you decide how you want to fuck me?”
“Julie, this is…this is serious…” he said as she slipped her fingers down the front of his pants and sank to her knees, just as the girls at BimboTech had shown her to. His pants came down with just a little coaxing and she giggled with joy as his swelling dick came into view.
“You…you never wanted to…before…” Sam pointed out.
“Really?” Julie asked, pausing to give a long, slow lick from the bottom of his balls to the tip of his cock, then giggling. “I don’t remember not wanting to. It’s such a nice cock. So big and fat and mmmmmmmm yummy!”
She giggled again and then took the whole thing into her mouth, nuzzling her nose against his pubes as the cock continued to get bigger and harder. What rational thought Julie had left fled as her mind became focused on one thing and one thing only: making the cock happy!
She didn’t understand a word her husband said once the swelling prick pressed the back of her throat. Her head started bobbing, her lips pressing, her mouth watering. Not that her husband had anything useful to say at that point. By the time his cock had slid down her throat the third time, all he could say was “Oh god! Oh god! Oh my fucking god!”
Once he was harder than Julie ever remembered him being, she pulled him out of her mouth and giggled.
“I knew you would want to fuck me, Sammy!” she exclaimed. “You should fuck my new titties!”
Just like ChiChi had showed her when she gave her the dress, Julie crossed her arms in front of her tits, slipped her hand under the straps, and in one fluid motion she freed her big fleshy orbs with their astonishingly hard nipples.
“They’re sooo nice!” she exclaimed, offering them up to her husband with both hands. “They’re just made for fucking! <giggle> not like my old flat titties! Lay down on the bed! I want to show you! I want to show you how I can tittiefuck!”
Sam’s eyes were wide and mad with lust. He did as instructed, staggering backwards towards the bed with his pants around his ankles. Julie followed, walking on her knees, holding her new knockers. Once Sam was sitting on the bed, his thick prick pointing straight at her, Julie gave it a kiss on the tip, then lifted her BimboTech-enhanced boobs and mashed them around her husband’s man meat. Sam shook his head in shocked disbelief. With her nipples up against his belly, there were still inches to go before his cock would reach her sternum.
His rod was still slick from sliding down her throat and as Julie began rubbing her massive hooters around his shaft, shimmying her shoulders, giggling and cooing.
“Oh Sammy! It’s so big and thick and hard <giggle> It’s making me all wet, just feeling it between my titties! Mmmm! It’s so nice! Such a nice, big cock between my nice, big titties! I bet you’re all full of yummy, sticky goo for me, aren’t you baby? I bet you want to just spunk all over my big new titties! I know that I want you to! Mmmm! I want you to blow your wad all over me! On my tits, on my face, in my hair! I want your spunk, Sam! I want your jiz! Give it to me! Squirt it all over me…oh…oh!...I think it’s coming! That’s it, baby! Come all over Julie!”
“HHNguhg!” Sam exclaimed. And then he was coming. A geyser of goo welled up from between Julie’s boobs. Sam leaned back and grunted. The head of his cock popped out of Julie’s cleavage and she took it on the chin. She giggled as the glob of spunk rolled down her neck and back down between her tits.
“That’s it, baby!” she said. “That’s what I like. That’s what my big titties are for!”
She stood and backed slightly away from her panting husband so that he could see her rub his goo all over her inflated gazongas.
“Sammy gave me nice soft lotion for my titties!” she exclaimed.
Then she licked some off her fingers.
“Mmmm! And it tastes so nice! <giggle> Maybe you should come in my mouth next! Except that my pussy is soooo wet!” she explained, reaching down to lift her hem, spread her cuntlips and show him. “It wants you to fuck it sooooo bad! Can you do that for me Sammy? Can you fuck my cunny next? I’ll do what ever you want me to, but I really would like it. I’m sooo wet and horny for you!”
“I…I…” Sam stammered. “I don’t think…”
Julie giggled.
“Of course not!” she exclaimed. “It’s not about thinking! It’s about fucking! But don’t worry if you aren’t ready yet. We have all night long to fuck! And while you get that incredible cock of yours ready, I can show you some other things I can do with my titties! <giggle> And my tongue, of course!”
“Oh. OK” said Sam in a small, dreamlike voice and gave him self up to the force of nature that was his wife’s new libido.
It was nearly two in the morning when he finally lost consciousness, his balls in her mouth, her pinky up his ass, his spunk raining down on her from the exhausted fountain that was his cock.
* * *

Julie woke up horny and was delighted to discover her sleeping spouse was already hard. Before he had even woken up, she had mounted his morning wood. Sam blinked groggily awake as his bimbofied wife pounded his meat with her slick cunt. He instinctively reached up and grabbed a hold of her bounding melons, causing fireworks to go off in Julie’s clit and eyes.
“Holy fuck!” her husband exclaimed.
Julie giggled.
“Yeah!” she agreed. “Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Fuck my hole!”
The she squealed and came. Her husband went off as well, groaning and arching his back.
At last, Julie slid off his spent cock and flopped down on the bed beside him. She giggled and stroked his chest.
“God I love to fuck you!” she exclaimed. “You’re such a stud!”
Sam was still panting.
“This is fucked up,” he said at last. “I mean, it’s incredible, but...but, goddamn, Julie, what the hell did they do to you?”
“They made me a bimbo, silly!” she explained. “A sexy, horny bimbo! Isn’t that what you want? Don’t you want big, bouncy titties? Don’t you want me to have full, thick lips made just for sucking your cock?”
“Well, yeah, I mean...It’s really great but....but...”
“You want to do my butt?” she exclaimed “<giggle> Oh Gawd, that would be so hot!”
Her ass started to lube itself at the thought.
“No, I mean...This is just too weird. I don’t think we should anymore until we know how they did this to you and why.”
“I told you, it was a Special Introductory Offer! And I think Mr. Happy doesn’t want to wait! I think he wants to fuck my ass!”
“Wha?” Sam asked, and looked down to see that all his bimbo wife’s talk of sodomy had piqued his cock’s interest. It was making a half-hearted rally.
It was all the invitation Julie needed. She giggled and scampered towards the plumping prick, taking it into her mouth and waving her bare bimbo bubble butt at Sam’s face as she lapped at the delighted man meat, cupping his balls in her hand.
Sam was helpless before the bimbo assault, hypnotized by her pale, swaying ass, reduced to animal instinct by her insistent, adoring tongue. He groaned and grew, swelling between her lips.
“Time to do my ass, stud,” she said at last, taking her mouth off his cock but holding it tight with one hand, pressing her thumb against the underside near the base. She made a mental note to buy him a cock ring.
“Sam’s bimbo’s ass needs fucking!” she declared.
Sam roared, half mad with lust. He got to his knees, grabbed hold of her hips and reamed out her ass without any preamble. A normal woman would have been injured, but the BimboTech-enhanced Julie took it with pleasure, crying out for him to fuck her harder. He obliged. She came and came and eventually, so did he.
“Oh God,” said Sam. “That was...amazing!”
Julie giggled.
“Oooo you fucked my ass so good!” she exclaimed. “You can fuck me all day long if you want to.”
Sam blinked and shook his head.
“I gotta go to work,” he said.
“Oh, come on, baby!” she cooed. “Call in sick and fuck me silly!”
“ mean, you should call in sick...until we figure out what they did to you...but I really do need to go to work and...”
“But I really need your cock!” Julie pouted.
“My god, woman!” he exclaimed. “I’m only human!”
“Mooooom!” came Hillary’s voice. “When’s breakfast?”
“Oh, poop!” Julie exclaimed. “Well, how ‘bout we get the kids off to school and then you can do me on the kitchen table!”
“No, I....god that would be hot,” conceded Sam.
Julie rummaged through a drawer and got one of the long T-shirts she usually wore to bed. Yesterday, it would have reached to her knees, but with her BimboTech enhancements, it barely covered her ass. Her new tits stretched the white cotton so that her nipples were clearly prominent.
“Gosh, mom!” said 8-year old Hillary when she saw her mother. “You look just like a Barbie doll!”
Julie giggled.
“Thank you, sweetie!” she said. “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Chocolate pudding?” she asked, as she did every morning.
“OK!” Julie exclaimed, for the first morning in history.
“Really?” Hillary asked, then squealed in delight when her mother nodded her confirmation.
Julie proceeded to serve up chocolate pudding to her daughter. Sam was still in the bedroom and she suspected he might be getting dressed, the naughty boy. Well, she would just have that much more fun getting him naked again.
“Mom? Is that really you?” came a voice from the hallway.
Julie turned to see her 15 year old son Brad looking disheveled and confused.
“Yep! It’s me! Your new and improved Mom!” she said.
She noticed he was staring at her new tits and giggled.
“What do you want for breakfast, young man?” she asked.
“I dunno,” he said, blushing furiously.
“Anything you want, I’ll give it to you!” she exclaimed.
“I...uh...toast...” he said.
Julie giggled and twirled about to go make toast. She had to bend over to take the toaster out of the bottom cupboard. Once she was upright again, Brad was sitting at the kitchen table staring determinedly at the ceiling.
It was turning out to be a beautiful morning. Then the in-laws showed up.
“I’ll get it!” exclaimed Hillary when the doorbell.
The two kids usually fought for the opportunity to answer the door, but this morning, Brad seemed determined to stay sitting where he was.
“Hi Gramma! Hi Aunt Jennifer!” said Hillary. “I’m having chocolate pudding for breakfast! And mom looks like a Barbie doll! It’s so cool!”
The expression on their faces didn’t seem to agree with Hillary’s assessment.
“You see! What did I tell you!” said Julie’s mother-in-law.
“Good lord!” said her sister-in-law. “I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes! Julie, you’ve done some stupid things in the past but this takes the cake! You look like a bimbo!”
Julie giggled. Jennifer’s constant criticism always stung before, but today Julie was freshly-fucked and bubbling with self-confidence.
“I don’t just look like a bimbo; I am a bimbo!” she declared. “Isn’t it great?”
“No, it isn’t great you stupid cow!” said her mother-in-law. “You look like a damned fool and a wanton hussy besides! I’m not going to have my grandchildren raised by some silicone-injected trollop!”
Julie just giggled in response.
“Oh, come on now!” she said. “You and Jennifer have big boobies too!”
“Big everything,” muttered Brad, earning a reproachful scowl from his rotund aunt.
“You two need to get dressed. Tiffany and Chet are waiting in the Expedition,” said Jennifer. “God, Julie! What’s wrong with you? We’re going to be late for school and you’re going to be late for work!”
“Oops!” Julie shrugged, making her T-shirt ride up dangerously. “I guess I’ve been a little distracted this morning. <giggle> I’m sure their teachers won’t mind if they’re a little late, though.”
“Hi Mom. Hi Sis. Bye kids. Gotta go,” Sam said, coming through the kitchen fully clothed.
“But Honey!” Julie whined. “I wanted to show you something after the kids left!”
Sam trembled visibly.
“I…I really have to go to work,” he said. “You can show me tonight.”
Julie pouted and stuck out her rack. Sam got wide eyed but then clenched a fist ad muttered ‘gotta go’ and then he was gone.
“Oh poop!” said Julie, stamping a peevish foot, sending a jiggle through her chest and a blush through her son.
“We need to go too!” Jennifer said. “Mom’s got a chiropractor appointment I gotta drop her off at after I drop off the kids. We’re gonna be late to everything!”
“If my back didn’t hurt, I’d kick your ass, Julie,” said Nancy. “I don’t know how you’re going to dress for work with those ridiculous things sticking out, but you’d better think of something. You gotta work if you’re gonna earn enough to get yourself put back together like a decent Christian woman. Get your harlot’s self dressed and get to the office! Don’t you go wasting Jennifer’s generous offer to take your kids to school!”
“Well, since you went and scared Sammy off, I guess I got nothin’ better to do!” Julie pouted. She slunk back to her bedroom as her shrewish in-laws ushered out her children.
Nancy had been right about one thing. She didn’t have a thing to wear! She supposed she had no choice but to wear the outfit they gave her at BimboTech. All of her other clothes were ugly and didn’t fit and the stores that sold the sorts of things she needed didn’t open for hours.
But she really hadn’t worn the outfit for long and no one at the office had seen it yet! She could always pop up to BTI and ask ChiChi or Muffy to lend her another outfit later in the day. There was a bit of a mess on the outfit, but it was made of plastic after all. A soft cloth cleaned it easily.
At least at first. The smell soon got to Julie and she abandoned the soft cloth to start licking essence of Sam from the latex. That left her giggling and horny and soon she was sprawled naked on her bedroom floor, the handle of a hairbrush buried in her twat, squealing in delight as she drove herself to another orgasm.
So it was close to 10 when Julie finally squeezed into her bimbo dress, touched up her make-up and hair and finally drove to work.
She got herself off again in the parking lot, so by the time she tottered into the office, it was 10:35. At first, Pamela didn’t recognize her. When she finally figured out it was her, she was astounded. Julie explained where she had gone after lunch.
“Oh my god, Julie!” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe you actually went up there! And they did all that in just one afternoon?”
“Uh-huh!” Julie confirmed. “You should totally try it! <giggle> BimboTech rocks!”
“Oh no, Julie,” Pamela said. “Don’t you think it’s too…extreme? I mean, your boobs are huge! And that, um, dress?…I don’t know what Robert is going to think about you wearing that sort of thing to work…Oh my God! I totally forgot! Robert said he wants to see you in his office as soon as you come in! He was totally pissed that you blew off yesterday without telling anybody. God, Julie…I hope you don’t get fired over all this.”
“Pfpt!” said Julie. “Robert’s not gonna fire me!  <giggle> One look at my boobs and he’ll probably give me a raise! At least I’ll give him one! <giggle!>
Julie tossed her purse onto her desk and tottered and jiggled toward her boss’s office.
“Hey there, Robert! Pammy said you wanted to see me!” she said from the doorway.
“Julie! Where the hell have you…holy shit!’ he said as he turned around to see his bimbofied accountant.
Julie giggled.
“Ya like?” she asked, twirling about to display her new figure and slutty dress.
“I…wow! Julie, I…is this what you were doing yesterday? Did you go…up there?”
“Uh-huh!” Julie nodded. “It’s so cool! I just meant to pop in, but they were having this special introductory offer and before I knew it, I was a bimbo! <giggle> I’m really sorry I didn’t come back to work. I just totally lost track of time! You aren’t really mad, are you?”
“Well, I…um…well, you have always been a good employee…and, um, since this was your first unexcused absence…I guess we can let it slide.”
His eyes continuously drifted to her tits as he spoke, though he made an effort to look her in the face.
“Well gosh, that’s awfully nice of you, Robert!” Julie exclaimed. “You’re just such a nice bossy-boss! Not even punishing me for being naughty! Just going to let it slide! <giggle!> Only fair that I should let something of yours slide too, doncha think?”
“Uh, wha-what do you mean, Julie?” he asked.
“You know what I mean, silly!” she said, walking around his desk. “We can let Mr. Happy slide somewhere nice! In and out and in and out!”
She reached between his legs and squealed with delight.
“It’s already hard!” she told him quite unnecessarily.
She giggled and knelt down between his knees.
“Uh, Julie, this is nice, but, um, it really isn’t necessary for your, um job,” he stammered. “I mean, I really won’t hold your absence against you.”
“What will you hold against me, big bossy?” Julie asked, unzipping her pants.
“Just so we’re clear that this isn’t, um, work related,” he said. “And you should probably lock the door.”
“Pfth!” she said. “You just wanna check out my ass while I do it! <giggle>
She stood up, turned about, and flipped her skirt up around her hips.
“Check it out, bossy-bossy!” she wiggled her backside all the way to his office door. Then she locked the door, turned back to him and pulled down her top so that her knockers bounced freely.
“Time for my performance evaluation!” she exclaimed and jiggled all the way back to find his cock very, very ready for her.
“Oh sweet lord,” Robert whispered as she planted his hard dick deep in her throat. She gave a gagged giggle as she slowly drew her thick painted lips up and down his shaft, her eyes sparkling with delight as he stared at her in horny amazement.
“They…they really do, um, change ladies up there at BimboTech, don’t they?” he said. “I mean, I had heard, but, uh…oh lordy that’s nice, Julie.
“MmmnMmmmngMMMMMM!” she agreed around his cock. This was sooo much better than checking spreadsheets!
“And we’re clear that you’re…that you’re doing this because you want to…right?” he said. “ Not cuz I’m your boss…but because you…because you’re….”
“Mm Muh VImvo!” she explained.
“Right! Right!!!” Robert enthused, eyes wide, hands trembling. “You’re a bimbo! A cock-hungry bimbo! You suck dick cuz that what you do! You’re a cock sucking slut! I’m doing you a favor! Ha! And here comes the goo!”
“MmngMmmm!” Julie exclaimed in pure joy. She swallowed with all the enthusiasm of a certified BimboTech bimbo!
“Huuh…Huuhhh..Huungh!” Robert sighed. “That was…lordy!”
“Glad you liked it, bossman!” Julie said with a wink. “I LUVED it! Let me know when you need another any time!”
She mushed her melons back in her dress and smoothed her skirt back down over her ass. Just before unlocking the door, though, she flipped the skirt back up again, giggled and shook her ass.
“Back to workin’ it!” she said.
Julie strutted out of her boss’s office, happy as could be. She made a mental note to try and suck him off at least once a day. It was so much fun!!! And talk about job security!
Cindy and Pamela were heading to lunch. Julie hadn’t done any actual work yet, but she was sure Robert wouldn’t mind. Especially if she could convince her coworkers to visit BimboTech. She had never noticed how dowdy and boring they both were!
Their reaction to her seemed a little strained. Pamela kept staring at her rack and blushing. Both were obviously intimidated by her new jugs. She was sure they’d be glad to know how easy it was for them to get a pair of their own!
“Really, it’s so much fun!” she gushed as they took the elevator down to their usual lunch spot. “Everybody there is just so nice you just want to eat them up! <giggle> And it feels so good! I can understand now why some of the girls go a little overboard.”
“Do they, like, cut you?” asked Pamela in a small voice. “To put them in, I mean. I heard they can go through your bellybutton, but that almost sounds worse!”
“Uh-uh!” Julie said, shaking her head so her hoop earrings flapped. “They just stick these things down your throat and up your ass in this tank full of green stuff and your boobs get bigger!”
“Eeeww! That’s nasty!” said Cindy.
“No, it really feels good!” Julie insisted. “It feels kind of funny going in your butt, but then it starts this warm throbbing that feels great! <giggle> It made me cum!”
“Yuck! Why are you telling us this? This is just really weird, Julie!” Cindy said. “Why would you want to be like all these stupid bimbos? You’re a smart, mature woman! You graduated from college! You’re an accountant, for god’s sake!”
“And now I’m a bimbo too!” Julie happily added.
“No!” Cindy exclaimed in frustration. “You don’t get to be a bimbo too! Being a bimbo negates all that other stuff! You’re betraying everything modern women have worked for over the past hundred years! You’re telling the world that you’re only valuable as a sex object!”
“Well, I am pretty valuable as a sex object,” Julie pointed out. “I made Sammy come four times last night! And twice more in the morning!”
“Really?” Pamela asked.
“Ew!” said Cindy. “Look, you and your husband can play whatever bedroom games you want to, but keep it there! If you dress and act this way at the office it reflects poorly on all of us!”
“It is kind of embarrassing, Julie,” Pamela conceded, looking at all the men that gawked as soon as the threesome stepped out of the elevator.
“Fine!” Julie said “I was gonna tell you about the special free introductory offer they’re having, but if you’re gonna be all bitchy about it, you can just kiss my hot bimbo butt!”
As if on cue, the other elevator dinged its arrival at the lobby and out came BimboTech Incorporated’s receptionist in a fuchsia microfiber tube dress with a broad-brimmed sunhat and pink jellied sandals with chunky plastic heels. Julie shamelessly called out her new friend’s vulgar name and waved. Tittiefuck squealed greetings back and jiggled toward her with more momentum than was necessarily prudent in six inch heels.
“Come on, Pamela!” said Cindy to her wide-eyed coworker. “Let’s leave the bimbos to do whatever it is they do.”
They left Julie to be enthusiastically hugged by the receptionist.
“I was going to lunch!” Tittiefuck told Julie after squeezing her tightly and palming her backside. “Wanna join me?”
“Sure!” said Julie. “Everybody knows bimbos make the best lunch dates!”
Julie followed her bosomed buddy to the revolving door. The two bimbos’ four juggs jostled each other ass they traipsed in together. They giggled at this and purposely tapped tit to tit again and again as they twirled around and around, overcome with mirth. At last, they staggered dizzily out onto the street and wobbled arm in arm towards the hotdog cart on the corner. The middle-aged Lebanese man smiled in recognition at Tittiefuck as they approached.
“Good day, Miss Tittiefuck!” he exclaimed. “You bring a friend to my humble cart today?”
“Yeah!” the receptionist exclaimed. “This is Julie. She’s a bimbo!”
Julie giggled and waved.
“I can see that,” the man observed. “Welcome, Miss Julie. I am Bulus. I know what Miss Tittiefuck wants, for it is what she always wants. You are wanting the same thing?”
Tittiefuck giggled.
“But we can’t have that!” she exclaimed. “Mr. Fink said no cuz we get arrested when we do it on the street. I can’t get arrested until after my shift!”
“Oh no, Miss Tittiefuck!” he clarified. “I mean what you want for lunch! You always have the foot long with mustard!”
“I do?” she asked. “Oh yeah! <giggle> That’s right! I like the long ones! Do you like long, thick wieners Julie?”
“Doesn’t everybody?” Julie asked.
“Wanna share one?” Tittiefuck asked. “It’s lotsa fun! <giggle>
“Okay!” said Julie.
The hotdog man already had a 12 inch wiener in a 10 inch bun, stripped with a generous squirt of yellow mustard, which he held out to Tittiefuck. The black woman took it and presented one end to Julie. Looking into Julie’s sparkling blue eyes with her own smoldering, vacuous brown ones, she circumcised her end of the wiener with the tip of her tongue.
Julie giggled and leaned in, pressing her huge tits against Tittiefuck’s gargantuan pair. With complicated squishing and bending, Julie’s lips reached her end of the hotdog and she sucked the tip into her mouth, pulling Tittiefuck’s end away and causing a dollop of yellow mustard to drip on to one big black boobie.
Both bimbos giggled and began chomping in earnest, swallowing as only a BimboTech girl was capable. Soon their mustard-rimmed mouths met and mashed together, tongues wrestling for the last bite. Tittiefuck was a veteran, however, and with a heave of her tremendous titties, she pushed Julie back, hooking the bit of dog from her mouth at the last moment.
Tittiefuck gloated. Julie pouted. Then she noticed the crowd of slack-jawed men staring at them. She giggled. The attention was fun. She scooped the mustard of her friend’s tit with an index finger and sucked it. 
One of the men started to hyperventilate. The bimbos giggled.
“You girls want another?” asked Bulus.
“Sure!” said Julie, and Tittiefuck nodded.
“Who wants the honor of buying the ladies their next snack?” he called to the crowd. 
“The bidding starts at $5!”
Two $30 hotdogs later, the girls wiggled back into the building.
“I guess I gotta go back to work,” Julie sighed.
“Don’t you like work now?” Tittiefuck asked.
“Oh, the guys are really great and they wanna fuck me and everything,” Julie conceded. 
“But the girls are being all poopy! I think they’re jealous cuz I’m a bimbo and they’re not, but when I tell them they should go to BimboTech, they act like I’m stupid! I’m not stupid! I’m a bimbo! There’s a difference!”
“Smart girls don’t know anything!” Tittiefuck agreed. “Tell you what. You should come up with me and ask Mr. Fink what to do. He’s like a super genius at making smart girls not be so stupid!”
“Do you really think so?” Julie asked.
“Sure as my name’s Tittiefuck!” Tittiefuck affirmed
* * *

“So, as I understand it,” said Mr. Fink, “Your female coworkers are having a hard time comprehending the benefits of the bimbo lifestyle.”
“MmmmHmmmm,” Julie affirmed with his hard cock between her lips. “Ey’re Sthufid!”
It had seemed only proper to suck him off while he considered her dilemma. He seemed content to let her when she asked.
“Well, Julie dear, it has been my experience that most women need just a little taste of bimbohood in order to embrace it. And we at BimboTech have developed a number of ways to give them the taste they need.”
He pushed a button on his desk.
“Yes Mr. Fink?” came Tittiefuck’s voice.
“Tittie, dear, be a good girl and order up the pink and blue party box for Julie. And an extra tube of pink frosting, for good measure.”
“That’s perfect, Mr. Fink!” the receptionist approved. “You’re so smart!<giggle>
“Do it quick, T.F.,” Mr. Fink encouraged. “Your new friend is just…..about….mngh….done!”
Julie rolled around on the floor, enjoying the spunky goodness, until she at last found herself giggling and looking up at Mr. Fink and Tittiefuck. The receptionist wasn’t wearing any panties, Julie noted. She was, however, holding a white cardboard box. Mr. Fink helped her up, gave her the box, a pink tube, and her instructions. They were simple enough instructions, which was good, since she was a bit of a bimbo.
* * *

Julie’s female officemates were standing near Cindy’s desk when Julie came back. They fell silent the moment they noticed she was there.
“You finally decided to come back, huh?” asked Cindy.
“I’m sorry,” Julie said, as instructed. “I felt bad about being late this morning and upsetting everybody, so I went to the bakery and bought cupcakes!”
Upon saying so, she opened the box to unveil a dozen pink and blue frosted cupcakes, as well as an intense, almost intoxicating odor of strawberry.
“Oh yum!” exclaimed Pamela.
“But we just had lunch,” protested Cindy. “And I’ve been trying to loose…damn those smell good!”
“I don’t care,” said Pamela, “Julie was nice enough to bring them and she is still our Julie, even if she’s different, and besides…” she grabbed a cake “strawberry is my favorite.”
As she took a bite, her eyes went wide.
“Oh my God!” exclaimed Pamela with her mouth full. “These are the bes’ cupcakes I ever had! The frosting tastes like it’s made from fresh strawberries! Mmmm! An the best strawberries ever! You gotta try these, Cindy!”
Pamela grabbed another cupcake and forced it on her hesitant friend.
“Oh wow!” she said once she had tasted it. “This is incredible! Where did you get these?”
“Um, you know it’s that one place,” lied Julie as Cindy nodded and gobbled her cupcake. “You go down Sanford and then turn left, or maybe right. I get so mixed up with directions, you know?”
“Cuz you’re a bimbo,” Pamela agreed, grabbing another cupcake.
“That’s right!” Julie enthused “A total bimbo through and through! BimboTech certified.
“Can I, like, touch your boobies?” Pamela asked, then blushed furiously.
Julie giggled.
“Of course you can!” Julie said. “That’s what they’re for, silly!”
She grabbed her timid co-worker by the wrist and pressed her palm against her tit.
“Oh wow!” Pamela exclaimed. “It’s like…oh wow <giggle> Cindy, you gotta feel this!”
“No way!” Cindy said. “You’re like being totally gay!”
She pealed with laughter, then stuffed more cupcake in her mouth.
“It’s not gay,” Julie said. “It’s just fun! Big boobies are fun! Everybody knows that! Watch this!”
Julie grabbed the spare tube of frosting and drew a pink smily face on each tit. Pamela collapsed in giggles.
“Hey, what is that stuff?” Cindy asked. “Smells good!”
“It’s extra cupcake frosting!” Julie said.
“Really?” Cindy said, her eyes wide. “Can I have some?”
She stood up and came towards her mouth watering.
“Sure!” said Juile, sticking out her decorated melons. “Come and get some!”
“No, I mean, like, from the tube,” said Cindy, reaching for it.
“Uh-uh-uh!” Julie chided, holding the tube behind her back, making her tits stick out even more. “Give Mr. Smiley a kiss! <giggle> He’s a guy so it’s not gay!”
“Oh, what the hell, ya bimbo!” said Cindy and face planted into ‘Mr. Smiley’ licking intently.
“WooHoo!” cheered Pamela. “Go Cindy!”
“Two boobs, no waiting!” Julie pointed out, jiggling her free tit with a hand underneath.
Pamela giggled and joined Cindy at removing the smiley faces from Julie’s jugs.
Pamela’s cheer was loud enough to be heard in the shop and other offices. Soon their curious male coworkers, Robert included, wandered in and were amazed.
“I brought cupcakes!” Julie informed them, as the other two suckled obliviously. “Blue ones are for boys!”
The four men gravitated to the cupcakes, not taking their eyes off what Cindy and Pamela were doing to Julie. She giggled and squirted more frosting on her titties and the girls kept on licking. The men started cheering them on, saying increasingly more vulgar things about them. Apparently they really liked the blue cupcakes too. Everyone of them was pitching a tent.
Julie pushed the delirious girls away and hopped her sweet ass up onto Cindy’s desk. She hiked up her skirt and frosted her cunt.
“Time to lick my pussy, Cindy!” she said. “You know you want to!”
Cindy giggled, her face smeared with frosting, her eyes full of bimbofied lust. Without hesitation, she dove between Julie’s thighs. Julie giggled and stroked her head.
“Hey, I wanna lick pussy too!” Pamela objected.
“Then take of Cindy’s pants, silly!” Julie said.
Pamela giggled and complied. The guys cheered. Julie bent forward and squirted pink frosting all over Cindy’s ass. Pamela happily started munching.
“Boy-oys!” Julie chided. “Why are Pamela’s pants still on? Her pussy is being neglected! When are your cocks going to join the party!”
The men didn’t have to be told twice. With much fumbling, grunting like Neanderthals, they soon were naked from the waist down, and so was Pamela. But then there was conflict over who was going to take Pamela from behind. Julie was afraid they were about to start fighting!
“Boys! Boys!” she said “You’ve got three hot sluts here! That’s nine holes! You’ve got at least two holes for each cock, and that’s not even counting tittiefucks! Trust me! I’m an accountant! <giggle>
She pushed Cindy away from her cunt. She stood up, whining, causing Pamela to do the same thing.
“Time for the second course, sillies!” Julie told them. “Who wants dick?”
For the first time, Cindy and Pamela noticed that their male co-workers were in the room and in the mood. They giggled. Julie frosted the pricks and encouraged Cindy and Pamela to kneel. Cindy took turns licking Robert and Jonathan’s dicks, holding tight to the base of each with her hands. Pamela did the same with Gerald and Matthew. The guys grunted their appreciation at the attention. Julie went down the line and kissed each one of them, then she fingered the two girls while shaking her tits at the men. It was the best office party ever!
Once the girls finished off the frosting, Julie put more on Jonathan and Gerald, but she guided Robert and Matthew back to the other end. Sucking dick was one thing, but if Cindy and Pamela were ever going to become true sluts, the really needed to be fucked from both ends. Robert and Matthew grunted their agreement and started pounding pussy.
Julie was horny too, of course. And she knew, being a bimbo, she could take any or all of the men from her plain-looking co-workers. But she was an accountant and she had noticed that there was a cock missing. A cock she was very interested in. The orgy in full swing, she slipped out and headed for Thomas’s office.
Sure enough, Thomas was working hard at his desk, oblivious to the sounds of the orgy down the hall. He didn’t even look up when Julie entered.
“Thomas, can you help me with something?” she asked.
“Can it wait Julie?” Thomas said without turning around. “I really need to get this done.”
“Oh, well, it’s just, I need to do a penis audit for the office and, according to my records, I’ve never even seen your cock!” Julie exclaimed. “If you’d let me give you a quickie, I’d reeeeeally appreciate it. I need it bad!”
That got his attention. He looked up at her face, then quickly corrected the level of his gaze.
“Sweet Jesus, Julie!” he exclaimed. “When did you get those!”
“They’re my new bimbo titties!” she explained. “They’re especially made for measuring dicks! Now let’s get you out of those pants so I can do my due diligence and all that legal stuff <giggle>
“Oh my god, are you sure?” he asked, eyes about to pop out. “Right here?”
“Don’t worry!” Julie exclaimed. “Robert’s busy fucking Cindy!”
“Wha?” he said, briefly looking her in the eye again to gauge if she was serious, though his gaze was soon caught again in the magnetic pull of her tits.
“Didn’t you get the memo?” Julie asked. “It’s casual sex Friday!”
So saying she popped out the melons that had so riveted Thomas’ attention.
“So let’s get this cock audit done so you can casually fuck me!” she declared.
Julie giggled and went to work getting Thomas’ pants around his ankles.
“But how…when…what happened to you?” asked Thomas, unresisting but still very confused.
“Like it even matters!” Julie exclaimed. “I’m a bimbo with luscious titties! That’s what’s important to Mr. Happy in here, now, isn’t it? Oh my! I was hoping for something like this! You’ve got the biggest cock in the office, hands down!”
“I do?” Thomas asked, with swelling pride, among other things.
“Well, I’m pretty sure,” Julie told him. “But we’ll have to get it up to it’s full potential to be certain! Come on now, Mr. Cock! It’s time to show Julie what you can do!”
She started gently fondling his ball with one hand and popping the head into her watering mouth.
“MMMMMMmmmmm!” she said as she felt it grow inside her mouth, her tongue caressing, moistening.
“Oh Thomas!” she exclaimed, pulling her head back to get a look at it. “It’s a monster! You naughty boy, keeping this thing all to yourself! If I knew you were hiding this in your pants, I’d have fucked you even when I wasn’t a bimboslut!”
“You would have?” said Thomas, looking down at her with a dumbfounded grin.
“Oh totally!” she assured him. “But that wouldn’t have been nearly so fun! Cuz before I was a bimbo, I couldn’t do this!”
And so saying, she mashed his spit-slick cock between her inflated pleasure pillows and began to tittie-fuck him in earnest. Thomas shuddered and groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head. He entwined his hands in her platinum hair and let her knockers propel him to nirvana.
It truly was the largest cock in the office. Only Mr. Fink’s was larger in Julie’s recently expanded experience. Julie found she could keep the tip of his cock in her mouth as she continued to rub his shaft furiously with her tits. The result was that she started slapping her self in the face with her own boobs. She giggled as she sucked, thinking how much she loved her big bimbotitties.
But she really wanted to feel that monster cock inside her. She wasn’t sure how long Cindy and Pam would keep the other guys occupied, so she figured she had better make Thomas’ first shot count. After all, she might not get to fuck him again until Monday!
She released his cock. He looked horrified.
“Don’t stop, Julie!” he exclaimed. “My god, you’ve got to keep doing that!”
“But it’s just too big, Thomas!” she said. “My titties can’t perform the audit! You’re gonna have to fuck my cunt!”
So saying, she stood, pushed his papers off his desk, hiked up her skirt and spread her lips.
“Fuck my pussy ‘til it screams, Thomas!” she instructed. “Show me that you know how to use that monster!”
“Oh fuck yeah!” Thomas exclaimed.
In an instant, Thomas had her pinned to the desktop and was drilling her like a madman. Now it was Julie’s turn to roll her eyes back and moan. She had prodded her coworker into such a sexual frenzy that even her BimboTech enhanced cunt was startled. Soon it recovered, however, and began to suck and clench at the ferocious cock that was penetrating it. Julie started to cum and squeal.
“That’s it, Julie!” Thomas encouraged. “Cum! Cum hard! I’m gonna fuck your bimbo brains out! I’m gonna fill you so full of spunk it’ll come out your ears!”
“Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh god yes, Thomas!” she cried. “Give it to me! Give it to me!”
It didn’t come out her ears, of course, but Julie would have sworn her tits got bigger as they bounded and bounced with Thomas’ insistent fucking and he pumped her full of goo. It was possible, she supposed. With BimboTech, anything was possible.
* * *

Julie was late getting home. She had actually left work early, once she had recovered enough to walk out of Thomas’ office, since Cindy and Pamela both decided they would like to visit BimboTech after the orgy and the guys decided they wanted to come along and watch—even Thomas. Julie was tempted to tag along, but then she remembered Sam and how nice his hard cock felt in her ass, and she decided to try and be there when he got home. That would more than make up for her bit of office adultery. She would call her sister-in-law and ask her to keep the kids at her place for an extra hour. She could bribe her with a bucket of chicken!
But as she drove home, fantasizing about jumping her husband, she realized she didn’t have an appropriate outfit to surprise him in. So she headed to the shadier side of town and the trashiest lingerie and sex toy shop she knew of.
Once inside, she completely lost track of time and any sense of budget. She came out two hours later, waited down with bags of bustiers and babydolls, corsets and cockrings, acrylic shoes and crotchless panties.
When she realized how late she was, she didn’t worry. She never worried anymore! She was sure Sam would be home waiting for her, delighted to let her model all her new outfits for him. She headed home wearing a pink tube top, black miniskirt and fishnet stockings.
But Sam wasn’t home. Neither were the kids. Nancy and Jennifer were, however, sitting on her couch, eating her chips, drinking her beer and looking very disapproving.
“Where’s Sam?” Julie asked.
“He’s at Jennifer’s house with your children!” said Nancy, her voice full of disdain.
“They’re staying there until you come to your senses!” said Jennifer “This is an intervention!”
Julie rolled her eyes.
“But I’m just a bimbo!” she exclaimed. “It’s not like I’m a drunk or something!”
She glared pointedly at the empty beer bottles on the end table.
“Look, you little tart,” her mother-in-law seethed. “You may not care what people think of your, but you’re a member of this family, much as I wish you weren’t, and your acting like a slut is an embarrassment to us all! Now you’re going to sit your whore’s ass down and explain yourself and where you’re getting all this ‘bimbo’ nonsense and we are not leaving and you will not have any contact with my son and grandchildren until you agree to stop all this bullshit!”
Julie sighed.
“Okay, okay, okay,” she said. “Fine. I’ll tell you all about it.”
Then she smiled.
“But first, do you want a cupcake? We had leftovers!”
Nancy and Jennifer were never known for passing up desert. Once Julie brought out the extra tube of frosting, the whole intervention kind of fell apart. Julie decided to show her in-laws her new sex toys instead.
Once Nancy was engrossed in licking frosting off a big black dildo and Jennifer was busy using another for more traditional purposes, Julie slipped quietly into the kitchen and made a phone call.
“Hello, BimboTech? Hi! My name is Julie. I’m a satisfied customer! I know it’s after normal business hours, but is there any chance you could send someone to pick up my mother- and sister-in-law? They’re really in need of your special introductory offer!”
“Huh? <giggle> No, you won’t need any of that! They were being really bitchy, but now they’re eating that yummy pink stuff Mr. Fink gave me! They’re much happier now! <giggle> But they’re still really ugly. Is there anyway you could make them pretty tonight? As a surprise for my husband?”
“Oh Goodie! The address is in my file! I’m at home with just them. And tell the guys that pick them up I’ll make it worth their while!”
Julie hung up and went to model her new outfits for her giggling, drooling in-laws. When the pickup men from BimboTech arrived, all it took was the promise of more frosting and Nancy and Jennifer waddled out to the van.
“They’ll probably have to stay over night,” one of the men explained.
“That’s okay!” Julie replied. “I’ll call Jennifer’s hubby and tell him not to wait up! I’m sure he’ll be glad that you’re gonna fix her and make her pretty!”
“Oh, we’ll fix her up good,” the man assured her.
Julie giggled.
“That’s so sweet!” she said. “Now how about a tip?”
She knelt down hungrily in front of his crotch.
“Oh, I’m sure you can take more than just the tip,” he responded. “You’re a BimboTech girl, after all!”
Julie giggled.
“You got that right!” she said.
And as she let her mind drift into the hypnotic ecstasy of fellatio, she told herself that Sam wouldn’t mind waiting a little longer. Soon enough, he’d have more bimbo poon than he could ever dream of!

The End